Sunday, July 18, 2010

Journey's End, Part I

Power Rangers: Lost Galaxy, Episode 43

Original Airdate: 12-16-1999

Last Time: The Rangers escaped the titular Lost Galaxy and you think that would end the show, but it turns out to have been a long detour who's main purpose was to save money by using as much Sentai footage as they could.

On the command carrier, Trakeena still wants to destroy Terra Venture. Deviot, having somehow survived the destruction of Captain Mutiny's castle, shows up to thank Trakeena for rescuing. Trakeena, however, has now, and only now, realized that Deviot is a traitor and orders Vilemax to kill him. Deviot is able to get off the bridge, but only after getting badly hurt. Luckily for him, he finds that cocoon that he used to really want twenty episodes ago. He starts moving towards it and... Credits!

...Vilemax shows up and starts beating up Deviot some more as Trakeena stands to the side and laughs. Deviot, realizing that he's basically doomed, decides to take a kamikaze rush at Trakeena and knocks them both into the cocoon. Trakeena emerges from the cocoon having absorbed Deviot and his robotic voice filter.

On Terra Venture, Commander Stanton is once more addressing the Terra Venture council of elders. Apparently they're still almost out of fuel, and only one engine still works. Commander Stanton's summary: "We are going nowhere....slowly." Fortunately, the commander has found a suitable planet to land Terra Venture on and thus spares himself from a court-martial.

Commander Stanton gives a colony-wide announcement. During the speech it is announcing that Terra Venture has only been traveling for about seven months. That...seems oddly low, if only because that means that the colony has been traveling for significantly less time that this season has been on the air. Anyway, he shuts off the fake lights so everyone can see where they're about to land.

Later, Mike is staring at the new planet just like he stared at Earth in the first episode. Commander Stanton and him have a talk, because they're landing the next day. Elsewhere, the other Rangers also discuss the situation. The Rangers stare at the planet for a while, and Kai realizes that his job actually requires him to help land the colony and runs off.

And, lo, the landing begins, and everything goes well right up until the point that the command carrier shows up directly overhead. Trakeena starts shooting up the colony. Fortunately, some soldiers are escorting some explosives through town, and this gives Leo the idea to steal them for his own use. Oh, that may seem a bit random, but that's how it happened.

Trakeena destroys Terra Venture's last engine, and gloats before she notices Damon hanging around in a corridor linking two of the domes. She manuevers the command carrier to intercept him, but Leo manages to plant a bomb of the outside of her ship which cripples it.

On the bridge, Kai and Mike realize that the colony isn't going to make it to the planet, and is instead heading for the planet's moon. Terra Venture hits the moon hard and its city section separate from the rest of the colony before crashing into the surface and wrecking most of the city. Even worse, the atmospheric dome starts to crack, compounding the troubles.

The council of elders confronts Commander Stanton about his latest fuck-up, and the commander explains that given the loss of atmosphere, if they don't leave Terra Venture, then everyone dies. The councillors decide that they can always court-martial Stanton on the planet below and authorize the evacuation of the colony.

On the command carrier, Trakeena eats a bug, and Kegler realizes that something's a bit off about her. In a twist that could never be allowed to appear on TV today, Trakeena has decided to arm her Sting Wingers as suicide bombers. In fairness, it's not like the Sting Wingers weren't being sent to their deaths before. Vilemax really thinks that this sort of thing goes a bit too far, and protests, but to no avail. Trakeena addresses her troops and promises them 72 bug-virgins in heaven before sending them off.

On Terra Venture, the evacuation is continuing when Commander Stanton, Kai and Mike discover a flight of Sting Wingers. Trakeena stands atop the command carrier and laughs and...To Be Continued!

Next Time: Can Terra Venture survive the Bug Fundamentalist attack?

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