Friday, July 30, 2010

Jen's Revenge

Power Rangers: Time Force, Episode 8

Original Airdate: 3-24-2001

Last Time: Trip showed us how very, very special he was.

At the clock tower, Trip and Circuit check on the mutants they've captured and Wes reveals that he sleeps in silk pajamas. Elsewhere, Jen is having her usual breakdown about Ransik killing Alex while hitting a tree for "training." Wes shows up and Jen hurts him a bit, also in the guise of "training." Credits!

At Ransik's Playhouse, Ransik revives a catfish monster and has to pay him in order to kill the Rangers. Is that what he's stealing the money for? I mean, he hold the mutants in prison, seems like he'd only need to promise them their freedom in order to get them to do his dirty work. The catfish kills some Cyclobots, which distresses Frax, because he's not exactly thrilled with the casual destruction of robots. Oh, and the monster's name is Fatcatfish.

Anyway, Nadira takes Fatcatfish shopping with the money that Ransik gave them know, I don't even know what the hell the villains are doing with their money anymore. They run out of money, and Nadira abandons him, so Fatcatish decides to destroy Silver Hills. The Rangers show up almost immediately and fight him. Fatcatfish has apparently fought Jen before, and they flash back to the time that Fatcatfish was shot about a billion times by Alex. Fatcatfish decides to taunt Jen about Alex being murdered, which seemingly destroys the last bit of sanity remaining in the Pink Ranger and she decides to kill Fatcatfish in cold blood. Now, in any other season, that'd be fine, this season the Rangers have been capturing the monsters, so the other Rangers stop Jen from killing him. Fatcatfish runs away, and Jen swears that she's going to kill the monster.

Elsewhere, Frax catches up to Fatcatfish, and uses some gadget to copy his appearance and voice. At the park, Jen takes a moment to have another angst-filled flashback about Alex, and then Frax uses the gadget from before to lure Jen into a trap using the image of Fatcatfish.

Later, Frax's trap has brought Fatcatfish, Ransik and Jen all to the same location. Jen fights some Cyclobots and Fatcatfish escapes. Back at the clock tower, the Rangers notice that Jen's missing. Back at the fight, Ransik demolishes Jen, but can't kill her because of an attack of his bubbling flesh illness. The Rangers use this opportunity to rescue Jen and escape.

The next day, Fatcatfish is trying to confront Frax when Jen decides to try and kill the monster again. Once again, the Rangers realize that Jen is missing. The Rangers arrive just in time to see Jen preparing to blow Fatcatfish's brain out. Wes asks Jen what would Alex do. Er...I don't know that you want to aspire to ape the decisionmaking of a guy who was brutally murdered by the very same villain that you're trying to capture. Anyway, there's still a regular and megazord battle and Fatcatfish is refrozen. I guess that's marginally more humane than killing him.

Anyway, everyone's happy that Jen didn't commit murder. Jen declares that she's happy that Wes isn't like Alex....yeah, seeing as Alex is dead, I'd agree. The other Rangers mock their emotional moment, as well they should. Show Over!

Next Time: It's never too early for more toys!

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