Power Rangers in Space, Episode 29
Original Airdate: 10-28-1998
Last Time: Astronema resolved to mend her evil ways. Her first action in pursuit of this goal? Treason!
On the Megaship, Andros is giving a tour of the ship to Astronema. DECA calls into to summon Astronema to the bridge for a meeting of unknown purpose. The other Rangers announce that they've made Astronema an honorary Power Ranger. Huh. I guess they didn't take her many, many plans to kill them all personally. They also give her a new uniform that is not form-fitting. This is rather disappointing.
Meanwhile, Darkonda decides to perform some experimental brain surgery on Ecliptor to make sure that no incidents like the one from last week happen again. Darkonda starts up a menacing-looking drill and....Credits!
Back on the Megaship, Astronema has changed into her new outfit and either cut her hear or stopped wearing that wig. Incidentally, being made good has somehow also cured her of her overacting. On the Dark Fortress, Darkonda pronounces Ecliptor's procedure a success, and Dark Specter orders him to destroy the Earth.
Down on Earth, Bulk, Skull and Phenomenus are camping out in the wilderness. Bulk asks the professor what insane thing Phenomenus is doing this week. The old man explains that they're hunting aliens. He finds a giant asteroid heading towards Earth. Phenomenus explains that the Earth is doomed. Bulk and Skull are concerned.
In space, the Rangers almost crash into the giant asteroid and Dark Specter calls in to demand the return of Astronema in exchange for the astroid not destroying Earth. Andros refuses to play ball, and decides to blast it with lasers. It accomplishes nothing. Andros has another idea that involves setting bombs on the face of the asteroid. Christ, didn't he listen to the scientist from Armageddon? You have to drill into the asteroid first and then plant the bombs. You also need a team of heroic blue-collar white Americans to do it. Not oil drillers, though, they're a bit out of favor at the moment. Maybe coal miners or something. Darkonda and some Quantrons show up to stop the Rangers. It doesn't work as Carlos, Cassie and Ashley use their individual Mega Voyager vehicles to destroy the space fighters and Andros and T.J. finish setting the bombs. The bomb plan also fails, however.
The Rangers regroup on the bridge, and Astronema suggests that she sneak back onto the Dark Fortress and reprogramming the asteroid to not hit Earth. Well, that's a unique spin on the formula of asteroid movies, I suppose. Of course, the reason that it's never been tried is because asteroids can't be reprogrammed, but sure, why not?
Back on Earth, Bulk & company are watching the gates of NASADA. Phenomenus manages to stop the commander's car and warns him about the oncoming asteroid, and that only NASADA can stop it, preferably with a crew contained Aaron Eckhart and Robert Duvall.
Elsewhere, Astronema has managed to make it onboard the Dark Fortress. She's back in her old outfit and has new evil wig. She's about to reprogram the asteroid when Ecliptor shows up to inform her of how stupid a plan that is. Also, he's there to reveal that he has new cybernetic parts that make him double-evil. He captures her in hopes of doing the same for Astronema. The Rangers, who have been listening by radio this whole time, are bummed. The commander of NASADA calls in to ask them to do something about the asteroid. T.J. has a plan! He intends to use the Megazords to steer the asteroid away from Earth.
In front of the NASADA building, the commander calls a press conference to inform the world of its imminent destruction. He helpfully compares it to the asteroid that killed the dinosaurs. He doesn't take questions. Fortunately, Phenomenus is there is to talk to reporters, and he encourages everyone to panic. Bulk and Skull take him away before he calls for widespread looting and end-of-the-world orgies.
In Space, the Rangers call out the Astro Megazord, the Delta Megazord and the Mega Voyager to stop the asteroid. On Earth, Phenomenus manages to find an experimental space craft, and decides to get off this rock with Bulk and Skull. The experimental space craft turns out to be stock footage of the Saturn V. It launches, using stock footage of is clearly a different rocket, as Saban uses as much public doman footage as he can find.
On the Dark Fortress, Darkonda is pleased with how the day has gone. In space, the Rangers realize that they've managed to fail yet again. To Be Continued!
Next Time: The Earth is saved but only at tremendous cost: the reintroduction of Zhane.
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