Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 38
Original Airdate: 11-2-2002
Last Time: Jindrax discovered a force that was more powerful than life, mightier than death, more formidable than mortality itself...fishing.
Jindrax and Toxica have taken to the road to escape Master Org. Jindrax reveals that Shayla is still in Master Org's custody, and Toxica points out that this could lead to a problem of season-finale level problems. Toxica decides to come up with a plan.
Elsewhere, the Rangers are looking for Master Org's base, so they can rescue the princess.
In that very base, Shayla asks Master Org to give her details of his master plan, as well as a good ol' motive rant. Master Org's answer is basically to say that he's gone this far and might as well see how much farther he can go.
Meanwhile, Jindrax lures the Rangers into a deadly, deadly....briefing with Jindrax and Toxica. The Rangers are kind of surprised that Jindrax of all people now has the ability to raise the dead, but, well, it's time to get down to business. Master Org resurrects Retinax, Mandilok and Nayzor to guard the three locations putting up a forcefield around the nexus....and you'd think Master Org would want to go with a team comprised mainly of monsters he hadn't personally killed.
Anyway, Toxica explains that they can work together to rescue Shayla, and the Rangers don't really have much choice in the matter. Cole uses his alleged heart-reading ability to declare that Toxica and Jindrax genuinely want to help. The plan works as follows, the Rangers destroy three statues, which will bring down the forcefield, which will then allow Jindrax and Toxica to enter Master Org's base and rescue Shayla. And, of course, Master Org has planted one of his erstwhile generals at each of the points.
First up, Merrick and Alyssa face off against Nayzor...again. Christ, isn't Nayzor tired of Merrick killing him by this point? Max and Danny fight against Mandilok, and Cole and Taylor are matched up with Retinax, who appeared in one episode near the beginning of the season. Nayzor ends up giving the most laughable taunt in history, boldly declaring, "You cannot defeat me a third time!" None of the fights go well for the Rangers, and Master Org starts up some sort of evil incantation to restore the "Org Heart." I guess he took all of Cole's comments about not having a heart personally. Anyway, he ends up with some sort of green goo, which he then proceeds to eat.
All three pairs of Rangers proceed to rally in short order, and Jindrax and Toxica are ready to go into the lair once the forcefield is lowered. The Rangers remember that they don't actually have to beat the monster, just smash the statues, and destroy all three.
Toxica and Jindrax make their way through the lair, which is now shaking ominously. The Rangers have somehow all moved to the same location and are taking on all three generals at once. Cole calls for a final battle between Orgs and Humans that he apparently thinks is going to happen this episode. In fairness, he's close. Toxica and Jindrax rescue Shayla and watch Master Org sitting serenely as his lair collapses around him.
Outside, the Rangers are still fighting the generals, who show off their own evil version of the Savage Slash. The Rangers respond with the Jungle Blaster and kill all of the generals again. Inside the lair, Toxica, Jindrax and Shayla escape as Master Org turns to dust. Cole declares the war with the Orgs over, and Toxica and Jindrax agree. The Rangers not-so-subtly try to get Toxica and Jindrax to leave...immediately. Toxica and Jindrax decide to wander the roads of America. Huh, well, I guess that's....wait, the season is 40 episodes long. Damn it all.....Show Over! Season Should Be Over!
Next Time: Master Org comes back from the dead again!
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