Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 24
Original Airdate: 7-27-2002
Last Time: The Rangers got a new zord....again.
Taylor has a new car and speeds along the streets until she gets pulled over. The officer who stops her? It's Eric! Wait, the Silver Guardians are now making traffic stops? So, they've taken over the jobs of the police entirely, then? Man, didn't anyone learn anything about the dangers of privatizing police functions from Robocop 2? Anyway, as you might guess, Eric has no mercy and writes her up. Back in the car, he and Wes banter for a bit before driving off.
But hey, the crossover's going to need some monsters, right? Three rather unremarkable monsters appears from an energy portal of some sort and Jindrax and Toxica try to recruit them. The new monsters turn out not to speak English, and this leads to Jindrax and Toxica getting beaten up and thrown into some cardboard boxes.
Anyway, the monsters attack the city....although I'm not clear on which city it's supposed to be, and the Silver Guardians move in. Fittingly, the Silver Guardians get manhandled in the very last appearance. Wes and Eric morph, but it doesn't do them much good. Eric and Wes are confused, as they thought that they'd gotten rid of all the mutants....and then Cole shows up. Damn it, I was pretending that Time Force was still running and that this whole season was just a bad dream, but no, Cole has to come along and bring me back into cruel reality. The other Wild Force Rangers show up, and this leads the monster to retreat.
Eric is suspicious of the new Rangers, and Taylor recognizes him as the one who gave her that ticket. Eric wants nothing to do with the Wild Force Rangers, and the two teams argue about whether or not the monsters are mutants or Orgs. Wes and Eric decide to leave, and Taylor fumes about Eric's dismissive attitude.
On the Animarium, Shayla continues to have no idea what's going on and asks if the other Rangers were nice. Taylor is still angry about Eric.
Meanwhile, Wes and Eric have elected to do something useful and call the future to find out about what they're facing. They get ahold of Trip who admits that, yes, three mutants did escape into the past. Also, Jen is in the past, but no one's been able to get in contact with her. Wes wonders if he's gotten a second chance with his mildly psychotic ex-girlfriend.
Later, the monster converse about creating more Orgs and destroying the future, and a mysterious woman in a cloak, let's just ruin the surprise and call her Jen, eavesdrops on them.
The next day, Eric and Wes ask Taylor for help. Taylor is still pissy about Eric, but agrees to take them to the Animarium. Eric is unimpressed with Taylor's Eagle Zord, as he has a fucking T-Rex on call. Shayla shows up and Wes asks her some questions about the monsters. Shayla admits that they're Orgs, but has no other information. Trip calls from the future and explains that the monsters are, in fact, half-mutant, half-org, or Mut-Orgs, and then helpfully supplies the Rangers with someone who knows more. So, Trip is roughly one thousand times better at being a mentor than Shayla then.
And who is the man who can help the Rangers with their troubles? Well first they stop by a local school to recruit Nadira to help them. Yeah, apparently Nadira is now a school teacher. You'd think what with all of the felonies they wouldn't let her....but, well, the future is a very different place. Lucas explains that they need her help.
Meanwhile, Max and Danny are feeling self-conscious about how much they suck. So they shout 'never give up' a bunch of times as Eric and Taylor look on with scorn. Eric remembers when he used to hate the other Rangers on his team....then again, they were roughly ten million times less annoying than Danny and Max.
Elsewhere, Wes explains to Cole that there are other Ranger teams.....and they're all much, much better than the Wild Force Rangers. But hey, we'll get definitive proof of that later in the season.
1000 years later, Nadira goes to visit Ransik. Katie, Trip and Lucas show up to tempt fate.
Back in the past, the monsters attack again, and the Rangers on scene assemble to stop them. Eric makes it clear that he doesn't give a shit about what type of monsters they are anyway. The Mut-Orgs wipe the floor with the Rangers for a while, and Wes is about to get killed when Jen shows up. She has crazy-looking hair and is wearing all leather. So...she's finally lost that last bit of sanity, then? Wes is rightly confused and the Rangers retreat.
Meanwhile, Master Org and the Mut-Orgs meet up with each other, and the Mut-Orgs swear fealty to Master Org. To Be Continued!
Next Time: A climactic showdown between three monsters and twelve Rangers!
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