Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Destiny Defeated

Power Rangers: Time Force, Episode 30

Original Airdate: 9-8-2001

Last Time: Alex took control of team and tried to get them to take saving the future did not go over well with the team.

At the clock tower, Alex is upset that the team is basically useless. Meanwhile, Frax is installing a device on Dragontron that will allow it to drain the megazords' power. Wes, meanwhile, attends his comatose father and realizes that according to Alex's prediction, Mr. Collins will surely die this day. Credits!

Eric, reacting to the events of the past couple of episodes, has realized that he can't live in a city where Wes is in charge of the biggest company and has decided to skip town. He says goodbye to the little girl from a few episodes ago and gets in a taxi for parts unknown.

But enough emotion, it's time for the rematch with Dragontron. All right, should be a good fight....and they're cutting back to the hospital where Dr. Zaskin shows up to explain that Mr. Collins was proud of Wes and tried to destroy the serum once he realized what Ransik wanted with it. That's great. Can we get back to the zord fight?

Yes, yes we can, and Frax's siphon drains the power from the megazords. Alex decides that they have to destroy the siphon first and expects his paramilitary teammates to accept the chain of command. Eh...not so much. Wes drives by the fight in a limo and decides to get out and help because, I don't know. It's probably a good time, because the Rangers are full-on revolting against Alex, which gets them all badly hurt.

Wes shows up at the clock tower and looks at those pictures before he gets called in by an injured Circuit. This briefly causes Wes to breakdown due to all of the events of the past few episodes, but he gets out of it rather quickly and decides to charge off and help the other Rangers.

At that very fight, Alex is being a real dictator by demanding that the Rangers get up instead of lying on the ground, waiting to be shot. The Rangers finally lose it and accuse Alex of being an asshole for taking Wes' know, the one that used to be Alex's until he was almost killed trying to stop Ransik. Frax takes advantage of the mutiny by almost killing the Rangers, but Wes stops him, and then takes out the power siphon, despite him never actually being told what it was or how to stop it.

Anyway, Alex realizes that there's really not much he can do except give Wes the morpher. They Rangers get back in the megazord and start fighting. Alex, being basically a much better guy than the rest of the Rangers, decides to save Mr. Collins with future technology despite the fact that it will most likely screw up the future even more.

Meanwhile, Eric is still driving out of town when he sees Dragontron and the Time Force Megazord fighting and suddenly remembers that he was totally supposed to help kill that thing. He summons the Q-Rex, and Wes suddenly has a crazy idea that involves the megazord riding the Q-Rex like a horse. The Rangers give Wes their unconditional support because apparently they actually trust Wes instead of know, their old teammate. Somehow, the manuever works and kills Dragontron.

Wes rushes to the hospital to find that Mr. Collins has made a full recovery. Mr. Collins explains that he saw Wes right before he was suddenly made well and Wes realizes that Alex saved his father's life. They talk for a bit, and it's kind of boring.

Later, Alex makes a bit of small talk about destiny and goes back to the future, presumably to cancel his wedding reservations and ponder how he can get revenge on Wes without accidentally preventing himself from ever being born. Show Over!

Next Time: Frax has another terrible, terrible plan, and Ransik continues his sabbatical.

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