Power Rangers: Time Force, Episode 27
Original Airdate: 8-11-2001
Last Time: We learned that mutants should not be allowed to join Time Force!
In the bowels of Ransik's Lair, Frax is planning the robot revolution. Ransik, who will be first against the wall, calls for Frax to give him some serum for his illness. Frax realizes that if lets Ransik die, it would greatly further his plan, but it amounts to nothing as Nadira pops in to give Ransik his medicine. Frax may be the least threatening evil robot I have ever seen. Credits!
Frax continues his ineffectual plotting, and once more claims that only he has access the the dreaded X-Vault, which has proven to be a bit of dud so far. Anyway, he releases a mutant, which starts attacking people with some sort of poison sting. Eric arrives and notices that the sting creates an ominous flesh-bubbling effect in the infected people.
Back at his base, Ransik is kind of confused that a monster was released without his consent. Ransik realizes that the monster, Venomark, and explains that the illness that has frequently prevented him from killing the Rangers was the result of a run-in with the monster in the past.
Ransik then explains that he was saved by a doctor who was passing by. The doctor took him back to his lab and gave him some serum. They them get into an argument about the merits of enslaving robots, which abruptly ends when Ransik knocks the doctor to the ground, steals as much serum as he can and the burns down the lab.
Having concluded his story, Ransik then resolves to murder Venomark at his soonest convenience. Back in the city, the Rangers find the monster and start fighting it, a struggle that goes comically wrong as the everyone except for Wes gets bitten in the span of ten seconds. Well, that was efficient. Ransik shows up and beats the fuck out of Venomark before his illness once more gets the better of him and the monster gets away. Ransik serums up and Wes realizes that there's a cure to Venomark's poison.
Elsewhere, Venomark complains the Frax that Ransik is out for his blood and Frax promises to look into it. Back at the clock tower, the Rangers except Wes are suffering from their poisoned wounds. Wes then finds out on the TV that people are hurting throughout the city. Circuit then tells him that there is no cure, and Wes once again remembers Ransik's serum. So, now Wes has to infiltrate Ransik's base and procure some serum in an action-packed sequence, right? Nah, he just finds the vial of serum that Ransik used earlier in the episode that has a bit of the fluid still in it.
Okay, but now Wes has to find some interesting way to produce new serum, right? Well, no, he just gives it to Mr. Collins who has the infrastructure in place to mass-produce the cure. Mr. Collins, of course, sees the opportunity for profit and agrees. Okay, but it will take some time for the serum to be ready, and a monster could attack in the meantime, right? Well, once again, no, the cure gets manufactured basically instantly and everyone's cured. That was fast.
Venomark attacks again, but, well, his time as a credible threat has passed. There is a funny moment where Lucas jumps in front of a small case of the cure in order to protect, but that's only funny because earlier in the scene there were truckloads of the serum being brought in. Anyway, Eric uses his regrettable Battilizer to defeat Venomark, and then he gets taken down again by the megazords.
Later, everyone's pretty happy with the resolution of the episode, except for Ransik, who's had his supply of serum destroyed by Frax, who chooses this moment to reveal that he's been plotting against Ransik for a while now. Frax also explains that he was the human doctor who saved Ransik from Venomark years previously. Apparently, the doctor had been mortally wounded by Ransik's attack, but still had enough life left to build himself an entire robot body out of scratch and then put his mind in said robot body. Ransik is confused by this story, because it basically makes no sense. Frax then destroys the very last vial of serum...but probably should have made his move before truckloads of the stuff had been mass-produced by Mr. Collins. Again, Frax isn't very good at scheming. Show Over!
Next Time: Frax's plan manages to look even worse!
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