Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lovestruck Rangers

Power Rangers: Time Force, Episode 22

Original Airdate: 6-23-2001

Last Time: Lucas got sent to traffic school and destroyed his driving instructor's sanity in response, as Lucas will destroy any bureaucrat that dares impede his need for speed.

At the clock tower, Jen hands out odd jobs to the Rangers, and Jen gives herself the job of staying back at the tower and answering the phone. Lucas' job is at a car wash, and he meets a girl with leather pants and an expensive imported car. It seems like Lucas' dream come true....but it turns out to be Frax's latest plan to defeat the Rangers via mind-control. One of his better efforts, to be honest. Credits!

Later, Trip is washing some windows when Trip meets the same girl as Lucas, Angelique, now in some nerdy girl disguise in order to fool Trip. Given her outfit, Trip's standards aren't very high. Man, if only Trip had some sort of psychic powers that could allow him to see through this gambit. Oh wait, he has exactly those powers, but that would end the episode fifteen minutes early, so he won't be using them.

Back at the clock tower, Lucas is hair-gelling up for his date with Angelique. Trip comes and tells Katie and Jen about meeting his dream girl. At some park, Wes is mowing a lawn, and meets Angelique, who is dressed up as his fantasy, a WASP tennis player. Yeah, that seems about right. Wes, however, is reasonably sure that he'll score with Jen in the near future, so doesn't really pay her much heed. She mind-controls him more directly and fixes that problem. I'm not clear why the deception is necessary if she can just do that.

Wes returns to the clock tower, and Jen is finally suspicious, although part of that is likely due to the fact that she knows that it isn't very likely that she'll be able to find another guy who's genetically identical to her dead fiance.

Anyway, Angelique has arranged all of her dates with the Rangers at the same time and place, leading to the three of them arguing amongst themselves. Ransik uses this opportunity to invade Silver Hills. Katie and Jen move out, and but three guys are too busy dealing with the Angelique situation to help out.

Katie and Jen confront Ransik, but well, that's not going to work, and Ransik kicks the shit out them, but then his sickness flares up and he has to leave. Back at the clock tower, Jen is pissed about the situation, but not quite smart enough to realize that one woman coincidentally agreeing to go on dates with the three members of her team on the same day is clearly part of a larger scheme. The guys all promise not see Angelique, but Wes being Wes, he crosses his fingers.

Wes goes out with Angelique again, and Jen stalks him and is angry until Circuit calls her to tell her that Angelique is a mutant. Jen can't catch up to them, but is not-so-secretly thrilled that Wes is only under a love spell and not really in love with Angelique. Jen learns that Angelique's power comes from her bracelet and call in Katie.

Elsewhere, Wes is still on his date when Trip and Lucas shows up. Angelique forces them to fight each other. Jen and Katie show up and try to fight Angelique in her monster form and manage to break her bracelet, which breaks her hold over the male Rangers. That about does it for the monstress, as she gets killed in quick sucession in both normal and giant sizes.

Later, Wes have another awkward conversation that gets interrupted by a phone call. Man, can't you feel the romantic tension? No? Oh....Show Over!

Next Time: The Rangers take a stand against the freedom of the press!

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