Saturday, August 7, 2010

Never Give Up

Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 4

Original Airdate: 2-23-2002

Last Time: We learned the amazing origin of the Animarium! No one cared.

Max is reading a tabloid and comes to the conclusion that a haunted house is being victimized by an Org. Danny is with him and sees Kendall, his love interest, who apparently used to work with him when he was a florist. Danny notices that she's about to drop a vase of flowers and runs over to save them and abandons Max in a distracted haze.

This leaves Max to go investigate the haunted house by himself....turns out the house is owned by an old man, but an Org does happen by and decides to haunt the house based on the tabloid that Max left behind when he fled.

The next day, the Rangers doubt Max's story, and Danny remembers that he was supposed to go with Max, who's upset about being treated like a kid. Since he looks to be in his mid-twenties, that's a valid concern. Danny explains about Kendall and then promises it won't happen again. Kendall shows up and it happens again.

Back at the haunted house, the Bell Org is making a racket by hitting himself in the head with a mallets....because he's a bell and all. The old man runs away and Jindrax and Toxica show up to give him orders to destroy the Rangers.

Max runs into the Bell Org, and the poor casting choices of the season continue to wreak havoc and he and the monster have a dispute over whether or not Max is a stupid kid. The Rangers see the trouble in the magic pool, and head out to save him. But first Danny has to tell a story about his acrophobia and how Max helped him overcome almost causing him to fall to his death. The Rangers find Max's morpher and then any momentum this episode had is stalled by a pointless fight with some Putrids. Alyssa also calls Toxica old for no particularly good reason.

Anyway, Danny eventually finds out that Max is trapped in a bell on the edge of a cliff. Danny saves him, as near as I can tell because he kept yelling "Never Give Up!" over and over. The assembled Rangers fight the monster, and Danny and Max show off their teamwork when Danny throws Max at the Bell Org in order to break his mallet, and then spins Max around and hits the monster with him repeatedly. Er...I don't know that using your teammates as weapons is a good thing. The Rangers eventually Savage Slash him to death.

Seeds! The Megazord gets knocked by back the sound of the giant Bell Org, This leads to the Rangers bicycle-kicking a giant bell on top of the Bell Org and then blasting it with their cannons until it dies.

Later, Danny is working up the courage to talk to Kendall and has memorized what he wants to say to her. Of course, it fails, and Danny can't remember what he wanted to say and ends up telling her that he really likes flowers. Damn it, Danny, that's....awful. She gives him some flowers as a gift, and Danny manages to accidentally drop the note he had written his speech on into some flowers that Kendall had been working with. Oh, no, does that mean I'm going to have to go through another episode like this some time in the future? It does? Damn it all to hell! Show Over!

Next Time: The journey of a thousand zords starts with a single step...

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