Power Rangers: Ninja Storm, Episode 1
Original Airdate: 2-15-2003
Last Time: Wild Force....my God....Wild Force.
A narrator pops up to tell us that there are secret ninja academies, and that three aspiring ninjas are about to become Power Rangers. It's happening. Deal with it. Credits!
On the waves of, oh, let's just pretend that it's California, Tori is doing some surfing. At the local skate park, Shane is skateboarding, and Dustin screws around with a motorbike, because the producers want to make sure we know how extreme these characters are, even though they're already ninjas. The teens assemble at Tori's hippie van, and Shane discusses that people have different personality types. This somehow leads to them discussing the Power Rangers, who Tori believes are a myth. Also, it's worth noting that her actress is waging a losing battle with a fake American accent. They drive through the wilds of...man, isn't there a part of New Zealand that looks more like America?
Anyway, the reach a waterfall, and are attacked by ninjas. The future Rangers respond by taking off their clothes to reveal ninja jumpsuits, for they too are ninjas. Unfortunately, they aren't very good ninjas, and are defeated. Unfortunately, this does not immediately end the season, as this was just a test. Their sensei flies to the scene in the form of a hawk and scolds them for their ninja failures. Dustin claims that the tongue-lashing wasn't so bad, and seeing as ninjas usually are more ruthless than "mild disapproval," I tend to agree.
At the campus of the academy, the sensei scolds them a bit more, and threatens to expel them....which, given that they're ninjas, probably is a euphemism for summary execution. The sensei's son, Cameron, shows up to wonder why the sensei insists on keeping a ragtag team of multiethnic teenagers around.
The reason soon becomes clear as an ominous spaceship appears in orbit. But since that would be exciting, the show makes us meet some more supporting cast members instead. At a place called Storm Chargers, Dustin is working on something, and suddenly has to leave for class with Shane and Tori. Apparently he has a boss named Kelly who also has a poor grasp of the General Midwestern Accent. Tori stops her car to help some people fix a car, because when I think ninjas, I think good samaritans.
Back at the academy, Sensei realizes that someone named Lothor is back, and races off to meet him. The villain starts sacking the academy with his goons and some mooks named Kelzacks.
Meanwhile, the future Rangers are worried about getting in trouble for being late. It turns out not to be a problem as all of the other ninja students get captured and the academy destroyed.
On Lothor's spaceship, Lothor stops his nieces Kapri and Marah from bickering and decides to conquer Earth, as apparently only secret ninja armies stood in his way. One of his general informs him that there are still three ninja students unaccounted for, and he orders them destroyed. You know, if you're plans of world domination are capable of being foiled by three of the most incompetent ninja trainees on the planet, you really have to rethink things.
At the ruins of their ninja academy, the three idiots find Cam and get attacked by Lothor, who decides to just blast away at them from orbit. Cam leads everyone into a conveniently placed cellar which leads them to a secret ninja base located in a secret ninja base. That kind of sounds neat, let's see how long it takes the writers to ruin it!
Three seconds! A small remote controlled cart pulls up and it turns out that Sensei has been turned into a CGI guinea pig, who is wearing a miniature version of Sensei's normal outfit. Sensei explains that long ago, Lothor was sent into space....by rival ninjas who feared his lust for power. I wasn't aware that the ninjas had their own space program. Anyway, when Sensei fought Lothor, he got turned into a guinea pig and can't turn back. Lothor now plans to attack the Earth, and Sensei decides it's time to hand out the morphers to Tori, Shane and Dustin. Cam is hesitant to trust those three as their primary identifying feature up to this point has been their suckiness, but Sensi insists.
The Rangers get their morphers and Dustin reacts as you'd expect a guy whose smoked about three bowls that day to react. Sensei declares them Wind Rangers, and Shane asks exactly what the hell they're supposed to be doing, and they have no idea. Sensei announces this season's morphing catchphrase, "Ninja Storm, Ranger Form." Christ, that's....no, do it again! Just because it rhymes doesn't make it good!
Okay, time for the first monster fight. The Rangers morph and engage in a fight that sets back ten years of progress in ADR. Anyway, the fight out the Kelzacks until the monster attacks them personally, which leads to them bringing out....hangliders. Wow. When I first started this blog and was going Turbo, I thought, "Man, no mode of transportation is ever going to be dumber than go-karts." Anyway, they eventually blow the monster up by combining their power weapons.
Later, the Rangers celebrate in obnoxious fashion and Sensei points out that there's still 37 episodes to go. Show Over!
Next Time: I take a sabbatical!
Reviews As Told By a Loser With Attitude
Friday, August 13, 2010
Power Rangers: Ninja Storm 101

Another year, another season....
-Transcript Begins-
Doug Sloan: Ah, after six years I'm free, time to conquer Power Rangers! Hey, intern, do you see what I did there?
Intern: Um....yes, hey, when Saban left, his last act was to chain me to this desk, now I can't imagine this is legal so if you could just-
Sloan: No time for that! It's time to create a new season....a better season, that'll show Saban for firing me in the middle of Turbo...
Intern: So, you aren't going to let me go, then?
Sloan: Absolutely not! Now, what was the Sentai footage all about this season?
Intern: Um....Ninjas, I guess.
Sloan: Splendid, who doesn't like ninjas? Now, I think the Rangers should be students at a ninja academy and, to make them underdogs, they'll be the worst students there.
Intern: Wait, a ninja academy? Where does this show take place?
Sloan: Well, we're filming it in New Zealand, so as to escape the evil socialist regulations of the Screen Actors Guild, but we're going to pretend it's in California.
Intern: So, there's a ninja academy in California?
Sloan: There are many ninja academies in California. Anyway, one day, some bad dude attacks all of the Ninja schools and captures all of the ninja students except for the five Rangers-
Intern: Three, sir.
Sloan: What are going on about.
Intern: The footage has only three Rangers for quite a few episodes.
Sloan: Oh....well, okay, then everyone except for the three Rangers, and so they have to become Power Rangers to stop the villain.
Intern: Wait, so, they're ninja students, but then they become Power Rangers?
Sloan: Precisely. Now, we'll need some characters, first up, I want a Red Ranger who isn't White, I think we're ready for a Ranger leader of color.
Intern: Er....T.J. was black.
Sloan: Bah!

Sloan: How about the first Indian Red Ranger, then? No one's done that before!
Intern: According to the actor's bio, he's Maori...
Sloan: Er....well, in that case, let us never mention his ethnicity so that the kids don't figure out that he's not really American.
Intern: Yeah, about that, it turns out that most of these New Zealand based actors aren't really that good at faking an American accent....and that's having a somewhat problematic effect on-
Sloan: Enough of your complaints! Now, hope about the first female Blue Ranger, that'd be pretty groundbreaking, eh?
Intern: Well, yes, but looking at the footage we have, the Blue Ranger basically has to either be a girl or a crossdresser.
Sloan: Is there a reason that you have to ruin everything. I can see why Saban imprisoned you in this office. Anyway, I've decided that the blue Ranger will be a girl and surfer, end of discussion.

Sloan: Oh, who cares, it's the girl of team....and, incidentally, I've decided that she'll be the only girl on the team, so how about Tori?
Intern: Wait, only one girl?
Sloan: Yeah, it's not like girls are buying the toys anyway. Hell, I wouldn't have a female Ranger at all if the footage would let me, but no.......they had to include a girl. Anyway, I just remembered that we don't have a white guy or any sort of comic relief, and you need both of those. Fortunately, I have a plan to combine those two characters into one:

Sloan: Okay, now, the Rangers need a mentor, I was thinking a wise old sensei.
Intern: Well, anything's an improvement over last year's....unpleasantness with Shayla, so I-
Sloan: And he's been turned into a guinea pig.

Sloan: Because I can, little Intern, because I can. Finally, we'll need a villain, now I saw last season, and I noticed one glaring problem with that season's head villain.
Intern: In all honesty, you probably should have found a lot more than one problem.
Sloan: The problem, of course, was that he wasn't wearing a cool mask.

Sloan: Finally, Power Rangers is back on track.
-Transcript Ends-
Thursday, August 12, 2010
The End of the Power Rangers, Part II
Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 40
Original Airdate: 11-16-2002
Last Time: Master Org rose from the grave and destroyed all of the Rangers' power and zords, which, this season being what it was, took an entire episode.
The Animarium is plummeting to earth and the Rangers brace for impact. Surprisingly, the impact doesn't hurt anyone of anything, and only briefly knocks the Rangers down. From the surface, the Rangers see Master Org rampaging throughout the city, but aren't quite sure how the hell they're going to do anything to stop him. Cole gives the first of several speeches on the power of the human spirit and rallies the team.
In the city, Master Org is slowly smashing Turtle Cove, which doesn't seem like a particularly efficient way of conquering the Earth, but, whatever. The Rangers are forced to fight some Putrids, in a move that tells me that the story was only about thirty-five minutes long, and they couldn't cut it down to one part. Cole sees a child in danger, and reverts to his most primal instinct by ripping off his shirt, grabbing a vine and swinging over to save him. You know, looking at Cole without his shirt, I suppose it's not surprising that his actor was the only former Ranger to become a male exotic dancer. This rallies the Rangers once again, and they defeat the Putrids. Cole then decides to take it to the next level by using a vine to make a swinging kick into Master Org's giant-sized chest.....which could not have possibly worked. Get it together, Cole!
The Rangers reassemble on a rooftop that gives the Rangers a good view of Master Org's crotch. Master Org taunts them a bit, which leads to Cole giving another speech about spirit or something, and the Rangers then proceed to introduce themselves to Master Org with their code names for some reason. Master Org is unimpressed, but the skies magically clear up and some glowing orbs rain down from the heavens and destroy Master Org's army of Putrids. It turns out that in addition to the two dozen zords the Rangers had this season, there are hundreds of other Wild Zords out there. The Rangers original zords also return to give them their powers back and they morph. The Rangers then introduce themselves again in case we forgot who they were in the intervening minute and a half.
Master Org, realizing that he's probably not going to win against hundred of Wild Zords that can't be killed, freaks out a bit at this turn of events. Several hundred zords then fire on Master Org at once kills him, and the Rangers finish off the Org Heart.
Well, time to wrap things up. Cole says goodbye to the Lion Zord, and the Rangers assemble to immediately be mustered out of service by Shayla, who explains that she must leave to keep the giant animals of death safe from....I don't know, giant metal poachers. She also fires Merrick from his position as bodyguard, who doesn't seem particularly depressed about never seeing Shayla again. Shayla then asks for their morphers and team jackets back. Okay, I can see why she'd need the morphers back, but I'm not quite clear on why she needs to take the jackets away. Maybe she wants to resell the game-worn jackets on the collector's market. They then exchange some platitudes about not forgetting each other. Shayla leaves and takes the Animarium with her.
Narration time! Alyssa tells the story of what happened to the Rangers after the got dismissed. Cole decides to visit his parents' graves again and places some flowers. He also puts a flower on Dr. Adler's grave, because apparently he's forgiven the man for trying to kill roughly three dozen times. He then "helped animals" in ways Alyssa does elaborate on. Taylor rejoined the Air Force, who I guess didn't ask too many questions about where the hell she disappeared to for several years. She then flew a poorly rendered fighter alongside her old zord.
Max and Danny weren't interesting enough to get their own epilogues, so decided to travel the world together, donning many ridiculous and slightly offensively stereotypical costumes agaisnt many greenscreened monuments. Meanwhile Merrick and Zen-Aku decided to wander the Earth together in search of redemption. Christ, why couldn't I have watched that show for forty episodes? And finally, Alyssa became a kindergarten teacher, and just narrated this story to a bunch of five year-olds who don't believe her. Show Over! Season Over! Power Rangers that actually sound American Over!
Next Time: Ninjas and the mystery of the wandering accent.
Original Airdate: 11-16-2002
Last Time: Master Org rose from the grave and destroyed all of the Rangers' power and zords, which, this season being what it was, took an entire episode.
The Animarium is plummeting to earth and the Rangers brace for impact. Surprisingly, the impact doesn't hurt anyone of anything, and only briefly knocks the Rangers down. From the surface, the Rangers see Master Org rampaging throughout the city, but aren't quite sure how the hell they're going to do anything to stop him. Cole gives the first of several speeches on the power of the human spirit and rallies the team.
In the city, Master Org is slowly smashing Turtle Cove, which doesn't seem like a particularly efficient way of conquering the Earth, but, whatever. The Rangers are forced to fight some Putrids, in a move that tells me that the story was only about thirty-five minutes long, and they couldn't cut it down to one part. Cole sees a child in danger, and reverts to his most primal instinct by ripping off his shirt, grabbing a vine and swinging over to save him. You know, looking at Cole without his shirt, I suppose it's not surprising that his actor was the only former Ranger to become a male exotic dancer. This rallies the Rangers once again, and they defeat the Putrids. Cole then decides to take it to the next level by using a vine to make a swinging kick into Master Org's giant-sized chest.....which could not have possibly worked. Get it together, Cole!
The Rangers reassemble on a rooftop that gives the Rangers a good view of Master Org's crotch. Master Org taunts them a bit, which leads to Cole giving another speech about spirit or something, and the Rangers then proceed to introduce themselves to Master Org with their code names for some reason. Master Org is unimpressed, but the skies magically clear up and some glowing orbs rain down from the heavens and destroy Master Org's army of Putrids. It turns out that in addition to the two dozen zords the Rangers had this season, there are hundreds of other Wild Zords out there. The Rangers original zords also return to give them their powers back and they morph. The Rangers then introduce themselves again in case we forgot who they were in the intervening minute and a half.
Master Org, realizing that he's probably not going to win against hundred of Wild Zords that can't be killed, freaks out a bit at this turn of events. Several hundred zords then fire on Master Org at once kills him, and the Rangers finish off the Org Heart.
Well, time to wrap things up. Cole says goodbye to the Lion Zord, and the Rangers assemble to immediately be mustered out of service by Shayla, who explains that she must leave to keep the giant animals of death safe from....I don't know, giant metal poachers. She also fires Merrick from his position as bodyguard, who doesn't seem particularly depressed about never seeing Shayla again. Shayla then asks for their morphers and team jackets back. Okay, I can see why she'd need the morphers back, but I'm not quite clear on why she needs to take the jackets away. Maybe she wants to resell the game-worn jackets on the collector's market. They then exchange some platitudes about not forgetting each other. Shayla leaves and takes the Animarium with her.
Narration time! Alyssa tells the story of what happened to the Rangers after the got dismissed. Cole decides to visit his parents' graves again and places some flowers. He also puts a flower on Dr. Adler's grave, because apparently he's forgiven the man for trying to kill roughly three dozen times. He then "helped animals" in ways Alyssa does elaborate on. Taylor rejoined the Air Force, who I guess didn't ask too many questions about where the hell she disappeared to for several years. She then flew a poorly rendered fighter alongside her old zord.
Max and Danny weren't interesting enough to get their own epilogues, so decided to travel the world together, donning many ridiculous and slightly offensively stereotypical costumes agaisnt many greenscreened monuments. Meanwhile Merrick and Zen-Aku decided to wander the Earth together in search of redemption. Christ, why couldn't I have watched that show for forty episodes? And finally, Alyssa became a kindergarten teacher, and just narrated this story to a bunch of five year-olds who don't believe her. Show Over! Season Over! Power Rangers that actually sound American Over!
Next Time: Ninjas and the mystery of the wandering accent.
The End of the Power Rangers, Part I
Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 39
Original Airdate: 11-16-2002
Last Time: The good news is that the Rangers got Shayla back, the bad news....well, the episode is titled "The End of the Power Rangers."
The Rangers are celebrating the end of the Org menace with a timeliness reminiscent of George W. Bush. They realize that with the end of the fight, the team really ought to disband, and none of the team members really have much to go back to. Merrick decides that his work in Turtle Cove is done, and that he must leave Willie's Roadhouse as the life of the cooler is that of the nomad.
But, well, it would be rather odd to have two episodes of the Rangers re-adjusting to civilian life, so the strongest Org yet suddenly materializes in town. The Rangers arrive to see vines crawling everywhere and Master Org shows up and has managed to find an even more ridiculous costume. Merrick explains that Master Org has eaten the Org Heart, just like 3000 years ago. Okay, writers, here's a pro tip, if you want to create suspense, don't make your final battle a repeat of an ancient battle of good vs. evil that was won by the good guys. Master Org soundly defeats the Rangers and Cole trots out the Battilizer one last time, which Master Org promptly destroys.
Pressed for time, Master Org then elects to take the battle to the megazord level. Animus shows up, and the Rangers are happy to see him. They do remember that last time Animus fought Master Org he got killed, right? Shayla shows up to take the Rangers back to the Animarium, and Merrick chooses to stay behind and help Animus, out of guilt for not doing so 3000 years ago. He calls out the Predazord. This proves an exceptionally one-sided fight as Master Org destroys both megazords, destroying Merrick's animal crystals in the process, as well as his morpher. Merrick then finds a dying Animus in Kite form, and the two are teleported up to the Animarium.
On the flying island, Animus has some not particularly inspiring last words and then evaporates in a flash of light. Master Org decides to keep the episode going by attacking the Animarium directly. The Wild Zords try to protect the Animarium, but get killed one by one. The Rangers used their remaining Wild Zords to form the Wild Force Megazord and the Kongazord. The Rangers are briefly able to slow down Master Org with the Deer Zord, and then liquify him with their soccer attack, but, well, it's a two parter, so he just re-forms. Master Org then proceeds to start killing the zords, which takes a while because they're so damn many of them this season. But, hey, the Rangers still have the five zords that make up the Wild Force Megazord, and the zords want to fight it out. The Rangers cheer it on from a safe distance. Max implores it to never give up....and then watches helplessly as Master Org kills it, and thus destroys the Rangers' remaining powers.
The Rangers are quite depressed by this turn of events, especially since Master Org is unharmed. Master Org proceeds to turn to conquering the Earth, which involves making it rain heavily, killing some trees and summoning some Putrids. On the Animarium, the fight with Master Org has damaged the island and left it listing in the sky. To Be Continued!
Next Time: Dei ex Machinae!
Original Airdate: 11-16-2002
Last Time: The good news is that the Rangers got Shayla back, the bad news....well, the episode is titled "The End of the Power Rangers."
The Rangers are celebrating the end of the Org menace with a timeliness reminiscent of George W. Bush. They realize that with the end of the fight, the team really ought to disband, and none of the team members really have much to go back to. Merrick decides that his work in Turtle Cove is done, and that he must leave Willie's Roadhouse as the life of the cooler is that of the nomad.
But, well, it would be rather odd to have two episodes of the Rangers re-adjusting to civilian life, so the strongest Org yet suddenly materializes in town. The Rangers arrive to see vines crawling everywhere and Master Org shows up and has managed to find an even more ridiculous costume. Merrick explains that Master Org has eaten the Org Heart, just like 3000 years ago. Okay, writers, here's a pro tip, if you want to create suspense, don't make your final battle a repeat of an ancient battle of good vs. evil that was won by the good guys. Master Org soundly defeats the Rangers and Cole trots out the Battilizer one last time, which Master Org promptly destroys.
Pressed for time, Master Org then elects to take the battle to the megazord level. Animus shows up, and the Rangers are happy to see him. They do remember that last time Animus fought Master Org he got killed, right? Shayla shows up to take the Rangers back to the Animarium, and Merrick chooses to stay behind and help Animus, out of guilt for not doing so 3000 years ago. He calls out the Predazord. This proves an exceptionally one-sided fight as Master Org destroys both megazords, destroying Merrick's animal crystals in the process, as well as his morpher. Merrick then finds a dying Animus in Kite form, and the two are teleported up to the Animarium.
On the flying island, Animus has some not particularly inspiring last words and then evaporates in a flash of light. Master Org decides to keep the episode going by attacking the Animarium directly. The Wild Zords try to protect the Animarium, but get killed one by one. The Rangers used their remaining Wild Zords to form the Wild Force Megazord and the Kongazord. The Rangers are briefly able to slow down Master Org with the Deer Zord, and then liquify him with their soccer attack, but, well, it's a two parter, so he just re-forms. Master Org then proceeds to start killing the zords, which takes a while because they're so damn many of them this season. But, hey, the Rangers still have the five zords that make up the Wild Force Megazord, and the zords want to fight it out. The Rangers cheer it on from a safe distance. Max implores it to never give up....and then watches helplessly as Master Org kills it, and thus destroys the Rangers' remaining powers.
The Rangers are quite depressed by this turn of events, especially since Master Org is unharmed. Master Org proceeds to turn to conquering the Earth, which involves making it rain heavily, killing some trees and summoning some Putrids. On the Animarium, the fight with Master Org has damaged the island and left it listing in the sky. To Be Continued!
Next Time: Dei ex Machinae!
Sealing the Nexus
Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 38
Original Airdate: 11-2-2002
Last Time: Jindrax discovered a force that was more powerful than life, mightier than death, more formidable than mortality itself...fishing.
Jindrax and Toxica have taken to the road to escape Master Org. Jindrax reveals that Shayla is still in Master Org's custody, and Toxica points out that this could lead to a problem of season-finale level problems. Toxica decides to come up with a plan.
Elsewhere, the Rangers are looking for Master Org's base, so they can rescue the princess.
In that very base, Shayla asks Master Org to give her details of his master plan, as well as a good ol' motive rant. Master Org's answer is basically to say that he's gone this far and might as well see how much farther he can go.
Meanwhile, Jindrax lures the Rangers into a deadly, deadly....briefing with Jindrax and Toxica. The Rangers are kind of surprised that Jindrax of all people now has the ability to raise the dead, but, well, it's time to get down to business. Master Org resurrects Retinax, Mandilok and Nayzor to guard the three locations putting up a forcefield around the nexus....and you'd think Master Org would want to go with a team comprised mainly of monsters he hadn't personally killed.
Anyway, Toxica explains that they can work together to rescue Shayla, and the Rangers don't really have much choice in the matter. Cole uses his alleged heart-reading ability to declare that Toxica and Jindrax genuinely want to help. The plan works as follows, the Rangers destroy three statues, which will bring down the forcefield, which will then allow Jindrax and Toxica to enter Master Org's base and rescue Shayla. And, of course, Master Org has planted one of his erstwhile generals at each of the points.
First up, Merrick and Alyssa face off against Nayzor...again. Christ, isn't Nayzor tired of Merrick killing him by this point? Max and Danny fight against Mandilok, and Cole and Taylor are matched up with Retinax, who appeared in one episode near the beginning of the season. Nayzor ends up giving the most laughable taunt in history, boldly declaring, "You cannot defeat me a third time!" None of the fights go well for the Rangers, and Master Org starts up some sort of evil incantation to restore the "Org Heart." I guess he took all of Cole's comments about not having a heart personally. Anyway, he ends up with some sort of green goo, which he then proceeds to eat.
All three pairs of Rangers proceed to rally in short order, and Jindrax and Toxica are ready to go into the lair once the forcefield is lowered. The Rangers remember that they don't actually have to beat the monster, just smash the statues, and destroy all three.
Toxica and Jindrax make their way through the lair, which is now shaking ominously. The Rangers have somehow all moved to the same location and are taking on all three generals at once. Cole calls for a final battle between Orgs and Humans that he apparently thinks is going to happen this episode. In fairness, he's close. Toxica and Jindrax rescue Shayla and watch Master Org sitting serenely as his lair collapses around him.
Outside, the Rangers are still fighting the generals, who show off their own evil version of the Savage Slash. The Rangers respond with the Jungle Blaster and kill all of the generals again. Inside the lair, Toxica, Jindrax and Shayla escape as Master Org turns to dust. Cole declares the war with the Orgs over, and Toxica and Jindrax agree. The Rangers not-so-subtly try to get Toxica and Jindrax to leave...immediately. Toxica and Jindrax decide to wander the roads of America. Huh, well, I guess that's....wait, the season is 40 episodes long. Damn it all.....Show Over! Season Should Be Over!
Next Time: Master Org comes back from the dead again!
Original Airdate: 11-2-2002
Last Time: Jindrax discovered a force that was more powerful than life, mightier than death, more formidable than mortality itself...fishing.
Jindrax and Toxica have taken to the road to escape Master Org. Jindrax reveals that Shayla is still in Master Org's custody, and Toxica points out that this could lead to a problem of season-finale level problems. Toxica decides to come up with a plan.
Elsewhere, the Rangers are looking for Master Org's base, so they can rescue the princess.
In that very base, Shayla asks Master Org to give her details of his master plan, as well as a good ol' motive rant. Master Org's answer is basically to say that he's gone this far and might as well see how much farther he can go.
Meanwhile, Jindrax lures the Rangers into a deadly, deadly....briefing with Jindrax and Toxica. The Rangers are kind of surprised that Jindrax of all people now has the ability to raise the dead, but, well, it's time to get down to business. Master Org resurrects Retinax, Mandilok and Nayzor to guard the three locations putting up a forcefield around the nexus....and you'd think Master Org would want to go with a team comprised mainly of monsters he hadn't personally killed.
Anyway, Toxica explains that they can work together to rescue Shayla, and the Rangers don't really have much choice in the matter. Cole uses his alleged heart-reading ability to declare that Toxica and Jindrax genuinely want to help. The plan works as follows, the Rangers destroy three statues, which will bring down the forcefield, which will then allow Jindrax and Toxica to enter Master Org's base and rescue Shayla. And, of course, Master Org has planted one of his erstwhile generals at each of the points.
First up, Merrick and Alyssa face off against Nayzor...again. Christ, isn't Nayzor tired of Merrick killing him by this point? Max and Danny fight against Mandilok, and Cole and Taylor are matched up with Retinax, who appeared in one episode near the beginning of the season. Nayzor ends up giving the most laughable taunt in history, boldly declaring, "You cannot defeat me a third time!" None of the fights go well for the Rangers, and Master Org starts up some sort of evil incantation to restore the "Org Heart." I guess he took all of Cole's comments about not having a heart personally. Anyway, he ends up with some sort of green goo, which he then proceeds to eat.
All three pairs of Rangers proceed to rally in short order, and Jindrax and Toxica are ready to go into the lair once the forcefield is lowered. The Rangers remember that they don't actually have to beat the monster, just smash the statues, and destroy all three.
Toxica and Jindrax make their way through the lair, which is now shaking ominously. The Rangers have somehow all moved to the same location and are taking on all three generals at once. Cole calls for a final battle between Orgs and Humans that he apparently thinks is going to happen this episode. In fairness, he's close. Toxica and Jindrax rescue Shayla and watch Master Org sitting serenely as his lair collapses around him.
Outside, the Rangers are still fighting the generals, who show off their own evil version of the Savage Slash. The Rangers respond with the Jungle Blaster and kill all of the generals again. Inside the lair, Toxica, Jindrax and Shayla escape as Master Org turns to dust. Cole declares the war with the Orgs over, and Toxica and Jindrax agree. The Rangers not-so-subtly try to get Toxica and Jindrax to leave...immediately. Toxica and Jindrax decide to wander the roads of America. Huh, well, I guess that's....wait, the season is 40 episodes long. Damn it all.....Show Over! Season Should Be Over!
Next Time: Master Org comes back from the dead again!
Fishing For a Friend
Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 37
Original Airdate: 11-2-2002
Last Time: The Rangers failed to get Shayla back, but did get a new megazord....so, probably an above-average day for them all things considered.
In his lair, Master Org paces alone because all of his lackeys are dead. He decides to go bug Shayla for a bit, but, well, she isn't much frightened by doughy Russians in biege cloaks.
On the Animarium, Cole talks to the Lion Zord for a bit about how they really should rescue Shayla....and one of these days, they just might do it.
In the city, Jindrax realizes that he's pretty much screwed, and looks at the mirror her used to kill Onikage last episode. Apparently, the mirror allows you to communicate with the dead, as Toxica appears and begs Jindrax to save her. Unfortunately, since she's in hell, she can't come right out and tell Jindrax what he has to do in order to save her, and instead makes some cryptic comments about what killed her being the only thing that can bring her back from the dead.
On the Animarium, the Rangers agree that rescuing Shayla should be a high priority, and then remember that they don't actually know where she is.
Oh, and a new Org shows up, and it's the Locomotive Org, and neither side really cares at this point, but the Rangers feel compelled to deal with it, because it's their job and all.
Meanwhile, Jindrax is trying to figure out what the hell Toxica was going on about, and eventually decides that since Toxica got killed by the Rangers shooting her with their Jungle Blaster, if he can get them to blast Toxica's horn with it, that could bring her back to life. Wait, Jindrax has been carrying around a piece of Toxica's corpse? That's....unpleasant. However, he decides he'll need to fish her out of hell, so he goes to the local sporting goods store and get a fishing pole and some string. For some reason, the store owner, instead of being mildly alarmed at the monster who has repeatedly threatened the town, demands that Jindrax pay for the pole. Fortunately, Jindrax has an "Org Express" credit card. No, really. I don't know where it's from, or how he got it. I mean, I guess he had been living as a human for 3000 years, but that wouldn't explain why he has an "Org Express" card...
The Rangers eventually find the Locomotive Org, and Merrick tells the Rangers that this particular Org is stronger than the others. Well, it's the last one of the season, so....sure. Jindrax puts a plan into motion so that he can capture the energy of the Jungle Blaster when the Rangers use it.....and then realizes that the Rangers are losing.
Meanwhile, Master Org is preparing a spell of season finale. Meh.
The Rangers can't hurt the Locomotive Org, seriously depressing Jindrax who just cannot catch a break. He decides to step in and actually help the Rangers in order to save Toxica. Jindrax suckerslashes the monster, and then tells the Rangers to blast away with their Jungle Blaster while Jindrax holds him in place. It works, and Jindrax is able to siphon some of the energy into Toxica's horn.
The Rangers thank Jindrax and he responds by making Locomotive Org grow. Unfortunately for Jindrax, the Locomotive Org remembers Jindrax playing a key role in getting him killed in the first place and tries to crush him. The Rangers call out the Wild Force Megazord and the Predazord, but well, it is a bit early in the episode for them to win, so the monster beats them both, and breaking the megazord. Cole, undaunted, calls on the Kongazord. The Rangers have a deep bench this season.
Jindrax decides to put his mystical fishing plan into action, and uses the magic mirror and Toxica's horn to get Toxica back. Meanwhile, the Rangers continue to make no headway in their fight against the Locomotive Org, and the Kongazord and Predazord also are defeated. The Rangers aren't exactly sure what megazords are available based on what zords are currently damaged. They eventually figure out that they can combine the five or so zords that aren't damaged into a new megazord. You know, that's kind of the problem with this season's megazord fights, they take so damn long. In the old days, if the Rangers had to get beaten down before they won, the monster only had to knock out one megazord. This time, though, the Locomotive Org took out three megazords in a row, and it proved to be more of a speedbump than anything else. Anyway, the new megazord proves to be powerful enough to kill the Locomotive Org, making his previous victories all the more hollow.
Back at Jindrax's attempt to fish his way into hell, he manages to bring Toxica back to life with naught more than a mirror and some basic fishing supplies. That's...rather impressive.
Later, on the Animarium, the Rangers declare that they're really definitely going to rescue Shayla from Master Org....despite making exactly zero progress on that goal for this entire episode.
At a local playground, Jindrax and Toxica chat about what they're going to do now, and decide that serving Master Org may not be the wisest idea.
Speaking of Master Org, the villain declares that Shayla will finally be of "some use" to him. Well, at least she'll be helping somebody for once. Master Org then rips off her necklace. Huh. So I guess he was talking to the jewelry. Show Over!
Next Time: The show keeps limping along to its end.
Original Airdate: 11-2-2002
Last Time: The Rangers failed to get Shayla back, but did get a new megazord....so, probably an above-average day for them all things considered.
In his lair, Master Org paces alone because all of his lackeys are dead. He decides to go bug Shayla for a bit, but, well, she isn't much frightened by doughy Russians in biege cloaks.
On the Animarium, Cole talks to the Lion Zord for a bit about how they really should rescue Shayla....and one of these days, they just might do it.
In the city, Jindrax realizes that he's pretty much screwed, and looks at the mirror her used to kill Onikage last episode. Apparently, the mirror allows you to communicate with the dead, as Toxica appears and begs Jindrax to save her. Unfortunately, since she's in hell, she can't come right out and tell Jindrax what he has to do in order to save her, and instead makes some cryptic comments about what killed her being the only thing that can bring her back from the dead.
On the Animarium, the Rangers agree that rescuing Shayla should be a high priority, and then remember that they don't actually know where she is.
Oh, and a new Org shows up, and it's the Locomotive Org, and neither side really cares at this point, but the Rangers feel compelled to deal with it, because it's their job and all.
Meanwhile, Jindrax is trying to figure out what the hell Toxica was going on about, and eventually decides that since Toxica got killed by the Rangers shooting her with their Jungle Blaster, if he can get them to blast Toxica's horn with it, that could bring her back to life. Wait, Jindrax has been carrying around a piece of Toxica's corpse? That's....unpleasant. However, he decides he'll need to fish her out of hell, so he goes to the local sporting goods store and get a fishing pole and some string. For some reason, the store owner, instead of being mildly alarmed at the monster who has repeatedly threatened the town, demands that Jindrax pay for the pole. Fortunately, Jindrax has an "Org Express" credit card. No, really. I don't know where it's from, or how he got it. I mean, I guess he had been living as a human for 3000 years, but that wouldn't explain why he has an "Org Express" card...
The Rangers eventually find the Locomotive Org, and Merrick tells the Rangers that this particular Org is stronger than the others. Well, it's the last one of the season, so....sure. Jindrax puts a plan into motion so that he can capture the energy of the Jungle Blaster when the Rangers use it.....and then realizes that the Rangers are losing.
Meanwhile, Master Org is preparing a spell of season finale. Meh.
The Rangers can't hurt the Locomotive Org, seriously depressing Jindrax who just cannot catch a break. He decides to step in and actually help the Rangers in order to save Toxica. Jindrax suckerslashes the monster, and then tells the Rangers to blast away with their Jungle Blaster while Jindrax holds him in place. It works, and Jindrax is able to siphon some of the energy into Toxica's horn.
The Rangers thank Jindrax and he responds by making Locomotive Org grow. Unfortunately for Jindrax, the Locomotive Org remembers Jindrax playing a key role in getting him killed in the first place and tries to crush him. The Rangers call out the Wild Force Megazord and the Predazord, but well, it is a bit early in the episode for them to win, so the monster beats them both, and breaking the megazord. Cole, undaunted, calls on the Kongazord. The Rangers have a deep bench this season.
Jindrax decides to put his mystical fishing plan into action, and uses the magic mirror and Toxica's horn to get Toxica back. Meanwhile, the Rangers continue to make no headway in their fight against the Locomotive Org, and the Kongazord and Predazord also are defeated. The Rangers aren't exactly sure what megazords are available based on what zords are currently damaged. They eventually figure out that they can combine the five or so zords that aren't damaged into a new megazord. You know, that's kind of the problem with this season's megazord fights, they take so damn long. In the old days, if the Rangers had to get beaten down before they won, the monster only had to knock out one megazord. This time, though, the Locomotive Org took out three megazords in a row, and it proved to be more of a speedbump than anything else. Anyway, the new megazord proves to be powerful enough to kill the Locomotive Org, making his previous victories all the more hollow.
Back at Jindrax's attempt to fish his way into hell, he manages to bring Toxica back to life with naught more than a mirror and some basic fishing supplies. That's...rather impressive.
Later, on the Animarium, the Rangers declare that they're really definitely going to rescue Shayla from Master Org....despite making exactly zero progress on that goal for this entire episode.
At a local playground, Jindrax and Toxica chat about what they're going to do now, and decide that serving Master Org may not be the wisest idea.
Speaking of Master Org, the villain declares that Shayla will finally be of "some use" to him. Well, at least she'll be helping somebody for once. Master Org then rips off her necklace. Huh. So I guess he was talking to the jewelry. Show Over!
Next Time: The show keeps limping along to its end.
The Master's Herald, Part II
Power Rangers: Wild Force, Episode 36
Original Airdate: 10-19-2002
Last Time: Toxica died and Shayla was kidnapped by Mandilok....come to think of it, neither of those things really changes the status quo of the series all that much.
On the beach, Jindrax is depressed that his best friend, Toxica, was betrayed and murdered while he basically just stood there.
Meanwhile, on the Animarium, Merrick is similarly depressed that he let Shayla get captured. Onikage suddenly appears and the Rangers start to spaz out before Merrick points out that it's just an illusion, and the monster isn't really there. Onikage challenges the Rangers to meet him in the quarry, I assume for either a monster fight or for some sort of dragster race. Come on, dragster race!
Nah, it's just a normal fight, and Shayla has been brought in as bait. The trap? Well, Onikage makes some evil duplicates of the Rangers called Shadow Rangers. Well, I suppose this was bound to happen at some point this season. It goes poorly for the Rangers, and Mandilok celebrates until Onikage talks about serving his one true master, and Master Org teleports in. Everyone's surprised by this, even though the Rangers never actually saw him die, and, in fact, explicitly chose to let him live.
Mandilok decides to cut this short by blasting off Master Org's horn, but it turns out to be real this time. Onikage then reveals that kiling Toxica was Master Org's idea, and Jindrax realizes that he might not have the brightest future in villainy, as both potential big bads have either betrayed him or been betrayed by him. Master Org attacks Mandilok with his extra thick Russian accent as well as a giant energy blast, and that does it for Mandilok. The Rangers take a break from fighting their shadows to note that this is probably a bad thing.
Onikage then decides that he might as well kill Jindrax, who takes Shayla and teleport away. The Rangers then also retreat from the battle. Actually, come to think of it, this was one of their more successful fights, as an enemy general was killed off.
In a nearby forest, Jindrax and Shayla teleport in to hear Master Org promising amnesty if Jindrax surrenders to him. He then orders Onikage to kill Jindrax. Shayla thanks Jindrax for rescuing her, and Jindrax reveals that he plans to trade her to someone so that he won't be killed. Shaya then tries to comfort Jindrax about Toxica. Yeah, I'm sure that the woman who gave the weapons to guys who killed his brother and his best friend is just the person for that job.
Elsewhere, the Rangers come to a consensus that they should probably rescue Shayla from the bad guys. Cole blathers something about Master Org having no heart or something, and that gives Master Org just the transitional dialogue he was looking for as he arrives with the Shadow Rangers. Cole finds out that hurting the shadows hurts themselves. Quick, Rangers, kill yourselves, that'll solve the problem!
Time to go back to Jindrax's moral confusion. On the one hand, if he goes back to Master Org, Onikage will kill him, on the other, if he doesn't, Onikage will hunt him down and kill him. It turns out to be a moot point as Onikage shows up to execute poor Jindrax. As Jindrax has not won a fight all season, he loses spectacularly, and Onikage steals Shayla. Amazingly, Jindrax crawls away from the fight alive, and swears revenge on the guy who just almost murdered him effortlessly.
Onikage takes Shayla back to Master Org, who is still overseeing the Rangers/Shadow Rangers fight. Jindrax, deciding to push his luck to the limit, has followed them and angrily resigns from villainy, accusing Master Org of having "no heart." Unsurprisingly, the heartless man promptly orders Onikage to kill Jindrax. I guess the moral of this episode is that you shouldn't piss off people with no compunctions about murdering others when they have a highly trained hitman standing right next to them. Onikage, never one to do things the easy, or even logical, way, elects to create a shadow version of Jindrax to kill its original, but Jindrax accidentally reflects Onikage's powers back at the monster, and thus Shadow Onikage is born. Onikage then unwisely reveals that if anyone kills his shadow, they'll also kill him, and it only takes Cole a moment to kill the Shadow Onikage with his Falcon Bow. This also kills the Shadow Rangers, so Master Org decides him might as well get as good a return on his investment and makes Onikage grow before teleporting out with Shayla.
Onikage begins the megazord fight by declaring "everything is out of your control now, Rangers." Oh, no, a giant determinist! He then sends the Rangers to an evil dimension. Giant versions of dead Orgs show up, and Onikage informs them that they're in Org Hell.
Elsewhere, Master Org locks Shayla in a prison cell....as though that somehow impairs the Rangers' capability.
Back in the dimension of evil and cliche, the Rangers try to call their zords. No dice. Shayla, from her prison cell, despairs, and her tears hit her necklace, which shoots out a ball of light that flies to the Lion Zord and doubles its size. The new Pegasus Megazord is formed and flies into the evil dimension and kills, or re-kills, all of the dead Orgs...and then Onikage. The Rangers get back to Earth, and that's the end of that.
Later, Master Org is still laughing despite the fact that capturing Shayla actually ended up creating a new and more powerful megazord that killed his most powerful lieutenant. The Rangers decide that they have to rescue her regardless, and pledge to "Never Give Up" again. Show Over!
Next Time: Jindrax takes up fishing to help him grieve!
Original Airdate: 10-19-2002
Last Time: Toxica died and Shayla was kidnapped by Mandilok....come to think of it, neither of those things really changes the status quo of the series all that much.
On the beach, Jindrax is depressed that his best friend, Toxica, was betrayed and murdered while he basically just stood there.
Meanwhile, on the Animarium, Merrick is similarly depressed that he let Shayla get captured. Onikage suddenly appears and the Rangers start to spaz out before Merrick points out that it's just an illusion, and the monster isn't really there. Onikage challenges the Rangers to meet him in the quarry, I assume for either a monster fight or for some sort of dragster race. Come on, dragster race!
Nah, it's just a normal fight, and Shayla has been brought in as bait. The trap? Well, Onikage makes some evil duplicates of the Rangers called Shadow Rangers. Well, I suppose this was bound to happen at some point this season. It goes poorly for the Rangers, and Mandilok celebrates until Onikage talks about serving his one true master, and Master Org teleports in. Everyone's surprised by this, even though the Rangers never actually saw him die, and, in fact, explicitly chose to let him live.
Mandilok decides to cut this short by blasting off Master Org's horn, but it turns out to be real this time. Onikage then reveals that kiling Toxica was Master Org's idea, and Jindrax realizes that he might not have the brightest future in villainy, as both potential big bads have either betrayed him or been betrayed by him. Master Org attacks Mandilok with his extra thick Russian accent as well as a giant energy blast, and that does it for Mandilok. The Rangers take a break from fighting their shadows to note that this is probably a bad thing.
Onikage then decides that he might as well kill Jindrax, who takes Shayla and teleport away. The Rangers then also retreat from the battle. Actually, come to think of it, this was one of their more successful fights, as an enemy general was killed off.
In a nearby forest, Jindrax and Shayla teleport in to hear Master Org promising amnesty if Jindrax surrenders to him. He then orders Onikage to kill Jindrax. Shayla thanks Jindrax for rescuing her, and Jindrax reveals that he plans to trade her to someone so that he won't be killed. Shaya then tries to comfort Jindrax about Toxica. Yeah, I'm sure that the woman who gave the weapons to guys who killed his brother and his best friend is just the person for that job.
Elsewhere, the Rangers come to a consensus that they should probably rescue Shayla from the bad guys. Cole blathers something about Master Org having no heart or something, and that gives Master Org just the transitional dialogue he was looking for as he arrives with the Shadow Rangers. Cole finds out that hurting the shadows hurts themselves. Quick, Rangers, kill yourselves, that'll solve the problem!
Time to go back to Jindrax's moral confusion. On the one hand, if he goes back to Master Org, Onikage will kill him, on the other, if he doesn't, Onikage will hunt him down and kill him. It turns out to be a moot point as Onikage shows up to execute poor Jindrax. As Jindrax has not won a fight all season, he loses spectacularly, and Onikage steals Shayla. Amazingly, Jindrax crawls away from the fight alive, and swears revenge on the guy who just almost murdered him effortlessly.
Onikage takes Shayla back to Master Org, who is still overseeing the Rangers/Shadow Rangers fight. Jindrax, deciding to push his luck to the limit, has followed them and angrily resigns from villainy, accusing Master Org of having "no heart." Unsurprisingly, the heartless man promptly orders Onikage to kill Jindrax. I guess the moral of this episode is that you shouldn't piss off people with no compunctions about murdering others when they have a highly trained hitman standing right next to them. Onikage, never one to do things the easy, or even logical, way, elects to create a shadow version of Jindrax to kill its original, but Jindrax accidentally reflects Onikage's powers back at the monster, and thus Shadow Onikage is born. Onikage then unwisely reveals that if anyone kills his shadow, they'll also kill him, and it only takes Cole a moment to kill the Shadow Onikage with his Falcon Bow. This also kills the Shadow Rangers, so Master Org decides him might as well get as good a return on his investment and makes Onikage grow before teleporting out with Shayla.
Onikage begins the megazord fight by declaring "everything is out of your control now, Rangers." Oh, no, a giant determinist! He then sends the Rangers to an evil dimension. Giant versions of dead Orgs show up, and Onikage informs them that they're in Org Hell.
Elsewhere, Master Org locks Shayla in a prison cell....as though that somehow impairs the Rangers' capability.
Back in the dimension of evil and cliche, the Rangers try to call their zords. No dice. Shayla, from her prison cell, despairs, and her tears hit her necklace, which shoots out a ball of light that flies to the Lion Zord and doubles its size. The new Pegasus Megazord is formed and flies into the evil dimension and kills, or re-kills, all of the dead Orgs...and then Onikage. The Rangers get back to Earth, and that's the end of that.
Later, Master Org is still laughing despite the fact that capturing Shayla actually ended up creating a new and more powerful megazord that killed his most powerful lieutenant. The Rangers decide that they have to rescue her regardless, and pledge to "Never Give Up" again. Show Over!
Next Time: Jindrax takes up fishing to help him grieve!
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