Sunday, June 27, 2010

When Time Freezes Over

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 25

Original Airdate: 9-19-1997

Last Time: Invisibility! Phantom Ranger! Mystery!

The episode begins in media res, as T.J. is spying on Divatox's latest plot, and call in the other Rangers. Down in the space-sub, Divatox and Porto discuss her latest plan, which involves the use of something called the "freeze key." She makes a number of cold-related puns and I try to remember whether this came before or after Batman & Robin. Credits!

Back at the Power Chamber, the rest of the Rangers are observing Divatox's plan. They assume she is up to no good. T.J. figures out that they're about to launch some sort of missile. The Phantom Ranger is also there. Of course he is. Piranhatrons load a component into the missile. Elgar warns them not to touch, but one does and is frozen. Elgar knocks him down and he shatters to pieces. Fuck, that's unusually graphic for this show. T.J. overhears the words "Freeze Key" and assumes that Divatox intends to freeze something. Outstanding observation! He then manages to get ambushed by some Piranhatrons. T.J.'s not having the best showing today. He gets saved by the Phantom Ranger. The rest of the Rangers also show up. The Phantom Ranger materializes and they thank him. Cassie pines over him some more.

The Rangers have a life-altering conversation:

Justin: We've got to hurry, she's got the freeze key pointed at the sun!
T.J.: She's going to freeze the sun?
Me: She's going to freeze the sun?

The Rangers rush of to stop the launch. T.J. points out that everyone will freeze if they freeze the sun. Elgar is unconcerned. The Rangers try to stop the launch regardless, they fail. The missile speeds off. The Rangers blow it up with the turbine laser. Show Over? No, show not over!

Down in the space-sub, Divatox shoves Elgar out of an airlock. His pleadings for mercy give Divatox an idea about second chances. At the juice bar, T.J., Ashley and Cassie are sparring. Bulk and Skull walk in. They are now vacuum-cleaner salesmen. Lt. Stone is unimpressed. Bulk and Skull redouble their efforts with a demonstration that involves spreading some sort of dirt all over the juice bar. Inevitably, Lt. Stone gets covered in smoothie. All present laugh at his misfortune, but, in fairness, he was due. Bulk and Skull flee.

In les Space-Sub, Divatox has summoned a monster called Clockster. He's going to reverse time and allow Divatox to give the sun-freezing plan one more go. He starts by speeding time up forwards. Divatox is unamused. Clockster reverse's time arrow, and footage plays out in reverse, including the background music. In the Power Chamber, Alpha 6 and Dimitria are unaffected, and presume the Divatox has somehow reversed time. Clockster restarts time just before the Rangers were about to interfere. Divatox shows up and aborts the whole plan, deciding to use the freeze key for something else. The Rangers show up again, and are confused as Divatox takes the freeze key and leaves. At the Power Chamber, the Rangers realize that Divatox has apparently decided just to freeze the Earth.

Meanwhile, in a cave, Divatox is gloating. Clockster seems oddly fascinated by the freeze key. Divatox does not like where this is going and orders Clockster to stop. He doesn't, touches the key, and time somehow becomes frozen. The Power Chamber is still unaffected, and Carlos and Justin are the only Rangers not frozen in time. Justin somehow works out exactly what has happened, despite not ever actually meeting the Clockster. They decide to head out, but Justin asks if they'll be frozen. Dimitria explains that they'll have a few seconds, but if they don't make it back, they'll be frozen forever, and, due to the nature of this particular time anomaly, for no time at all. Carlos and Justin almost make it to the freeze key, but can't quite reach it before they freeze. There's nothing Dimitria can do, although, that's basically a given at this point.

The Phantom Ranger shows up and saves the day. This has to be about the fifth time he's bailed the Rangers out in three episodes. He also takes the freeze key. Time restarts. Divatox has a moment of clarity, and realizes she can just turn back time again, and give it another try. The Rangers have been watching the whole time and intervene. Elgar summons some Piranhatrons. Yeah, that'll work. T.J. kicks Clockster and time starts acting erratically. The same fight scene plays in reverse. Divatox has had enough, and fires the torpedoes. The Clockster is giant. The Rangers call for the Megazord of Turbo. The fight results in a knockout twenty seconds into the first round. Divatox fumes...again.

Back at the juice bar, Justin has apparently rewired the freeze key to work as a regular freezer. Oh, it may seem unwise to fool around with a device capable of freezing the sun, but Lt. Stone has had a tough year. Bulk and Skull show up with an even more powerful vacuum-cleaner. Inevitably, Lt. Stone's shirt is sucked into the vacuum cleaner. All present laugh at his misfortune. Show Over!

Next Time: The Rangers face their greatest challenge yet! It does not go so well.

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