Friday, June 25, 2010

Power Rangers Turbo: Episode 16

"Honey, I Shrunk the Rangers, Part One"

Original Airdate: 5-21-1997

It's Angel Grove Clean Up Week and the mayor's on hand to start the festivities. The team that cleans the most gets a donation to the charity of their choice. Fun! The clean up begins and Adam name-checks Carlos, just so we all remember him, for his time is nigh. Justin helps out by mentioning Ashley. It's as if the writers we're saying, "Hey, you stupid fucking kids, remember those new characters we introduced a couple of episodes back? No, well, you'd better because they're going to replace your favorite characters in four episodes, but we're keeping Justin. Take that, assholes!" ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull figure that if they win the prize, then everyone will realize they're human. Somewhere, Lt. Stone feels his heart skip a beat at the forthcoming calamity that must surely befall him as a result.

Divatox comes up with a relatively decent plan that involves attacking the Rangers in front of civilian so they can't morph. Elgar shows up with some Piranhatrons and menaces Adam and Justin. Credits!

The Piranhatrons put up a decent fight, and Adam and Justin can't morph because they'll be seen. The Blue Senturion shows up and ruins Divatox's plan. In fairness, I forgot about him too. Elgar retreats. Divatox blames the Blue Senturion for her defeat and claims that, "everything was fine until he showed up." Well, no, it wasn't, but fine. Divatox decides she must destroy him. Just then, Blue Senturion's weakness is revealed when a fly lands on the back of his neck and somehow disables him. Divatox comes up with a plan involving a monster called Shrinkasect. She gives the monster a bomb in the shape of a soda can and tells him to plant it in Angel Grove.

Back at the juice bar, the Rangers discuss the latest Piranhatron attack. Apparently they want to protect their secret identity, but don't want to go crazy over it. ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull decide to steal Lt. Stone's car. Carlos and Ashley show up to remind us that they exist. ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull manage to get their hands on the soda bomb. ChimpBulk drives Lt. Stone's car off. Lt. Stone is alarmed at the turn of events and gives chase. When he realizes that he cannot catch them on foot, he is forced to pay a little girl $50 to borrow her bike. It's truly awful to be Lt. Stone.

Elsewhere, the Blue Senturion is helping old ladies cross the street, as intergalactic robo-cops are apt to do. Shrinkasect shows up and lands on his neck, however, and this causes ol' Blue to spaz out in an extraordinary manner that climaxes with him trying to smash his way through a wall with his head. The Rangers get called in to deal with the Blue Senturion. Alpha 6 likens the Blue Senturion to a "New York Cabbie in Friday night traffic." Shut up, Alpha 6. The Rangers try to restrain the Senturion. They fail. Blue Senturion decides to self-destruct. The Rangers realize that the problem is a fly in Blue's helmet.

Meanwhile, ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull continue to tool around in Lt. Stone's car. Lt. Stone finally catches up to them on his little girl bike, but accidently crashes into a guy and some trash cans. Of course he does. Blue Senturion is continuing to melt down when suddenly the A and B plots collide as ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull arrive at the scene. The Rangers send Justin off to deal with the chimps. He morphs and heads off. The rest of the Rangers try to restrain the Blue Senturion again.

Justin manages to jump on the speeding car, but realizes that doesn't really solve the problem. The Blue Senturion threatens to self-destruct some more....promises, promises. The Rangers manage to get the insect out of his head. Some day, when the robots rise up and conquer mankind, they will point to the portrayal of the Blue Senturion as an example of man's intolerance towards robotic life. Shrinkasect grows to normal size and the Rangers withdraw. He tries to shoot them with a ray, and it's revealed that he can shrink things. Blue Senturion gets shrunk first.

Back to the car chase, Justin is still on the roof of the car, and Lt. Stone is still chasing on a little girl's bike. That is all.

The Rangers, reeling from the first of many, many size-related puns, decide to morph. Elgar and the Piranhatrons show up. The Rangers get shrunk. Elgar decides to stomp on the Rangers.

At the interminable car chase, ChimpBulk realizes that the Justin is on top of his car, and decides to pull over. Lt. Stone shows up on his little girl bike and Justin releases them to his custody. The bomb is still in the car, of course. Justin goes to the other fight scene and finds the little Blue Senturion. Ol' Blue explains that the Rangers were taken back to the space-sub. And in fact, they were. Part One ends with Divatox opening a box containting the mini-Rangers and laughing. To Be Continued!

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