Sunday, June 27, 2010

One Last Hope

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 27

Original Airdate: 09-23-1997

Last time: Divatox's brother, General Havoc showed up and defeated the Rangers completely and thoroughly, even managing to capture the Turbo Megazord. Moreover, he did so with gentlemanly flair, up to and including the imbibing of tea.

Up in the Space Base, General Havoc is upgrading the Metallisaurus using technology from the Turbo Megazord. Let's face it, the man just wants it more than the Power Rangers. He's reasonably certain that nothing can stop him now. Porto shows up with some more information on the Phantom Ranger that the Rangers had apparently been keeping in the Turbo Megazord. Porto explains that the source of Phantom Ranger's power is the ruby on his chest. General Havoc plans to lure him out and then steal the ruby. General Havoc also installs a laser on the space balcony. Divatox shows up and ask when the attack is going to begin with. The answer: soon! Credits!

At the Power Chamber, the Rangers realize that their chances without a megazord range between zero and negative fifty. Alpha 6 tries to reassure them by explaining that nothing is attacking at that second. The Rangers assume that Divatox probably will try to press her advantage at some. Justin remembers that the Phantom Ranger had some vague words about hope. Dimitria sees that vagueness and adds some vagueness of her own by telling the Rangers that the Phantom Ranger will explain when the time is right, also, that Divatox cannot take the Rangers courage. Yeah, that sort of talk worked out great for William Wallace. They morph and head out.

Bulk and Skull are still giving monster tours of Angel Grove. An old dude complains that the brochure promises that the Rangers or a monster will show up. Lt. Stone claims that it's a misprint and ushers them into a skyscraper. Havoc and the Metallisaurus head down to Earth, anad Havoc coordinates his destruction based on a map provided by the Angel Grove Chamber of Commerce. He smashes up downtown good. T.J. and Ashley spot him while flying around in Lightning Cruiser, but Havoc is able to shut down their sensors. The other Rangers head out in Storm Blaster. T.J. starts shooting Metallisaurus with Lightning Cruiser. The people on Lt. Stone's tour flee, and Lt. Stone points out that they were just clamoring for a monster attack. Divatox manages to shoot down Lightning Cruiser from orbit. That's...pretty good. T.J. manages to crash land Lightning Cruiser and the rest of the Rangers show up on Storm Blaster. They call for the turbine laser. You might recall that it was completely ineffective against Metallisaurus last episode, but T.J. is willing to give it another try. It still doesn't work, and Havoc blows them up for their trouble. Some Piranhatrons show up to give the Rangers a pity victory.

As the Rangers crush them, the Piranhatron theme plays, and the Piranhatrons lose whatever morale they may have had. The Piranhatrons lose. The Phantom Ranger shows up and beckons the Rangers come with him to a land of enchantment and merchandise. It involves going through an underground passage. Metallisaurus is still blowing up Angel Grove. Divatox is pleased and introduces her new catchphrase, "Viva la Diva!" It isn't the worst thing she's ever done. The Metallisaurus is still destroying Angel Grove and making it difficult for the Rangers to traverse the underground passages. Dimitria talks about hope or faith or something.

Up in space, Divatox blows some more buildings with her laser, and Metallisaurus destroys a city block that looks suspiciously identical to a city block he's destroyed twice before. Just then, a giant trailer-truck emerges from behind a dome. I'm going to name the dome the Lt. Stone Juice Bar Arena. Phantom Ranger has provided the Rangers with new Zords just in time for the holiday shopping season! The Phantom Ranger implores the Rangers to take these new, mightier Rescuezords and do works in his name.

Downtown, Bulk and Skull have stopped by the food court in the skyscraper they were in. They see the Metallisaurus. They don't take it well. Anyway, the Rangers show up to do their obligatory individual-Zord fight, the only time in the season that the Zords get to show off their individual weapons. T.J.'s Zord has some water cannons, Justin flies his Zords right to Metallisaurus' mouth, Carlos can dump giant metal balls out of the back of his Zord....and Metallisaurus responds by blowing up the building Bulk and Skull were in. Ashley saves them with her Zord. It's worth noting that Carlos' Zord is a giant garbage truck. Cassie shoots a giant hypodermic needle at Metallisaurus, which causes the Zord to have Tex Avery eye syndrome. T.J. finishes the Metallisaurus off. Havoc is understandly disbelieving at this turn of events.

Back at the juice bar, Bulk and Skull, having almost died in a building collapse, want to wear some pads on their next monster tour. The Rangers laugh at them for not wanting to die painful deaths. I guess the moral of today's episode is that safety is for pussies. The Rangers laugh some more. They're basically assholes. Up in space, Divatox is taking their defeat well, since, after all, they still have the Turbo Megazord. General Havoc vows revenge of the Phantom Ranger for interfering. In the city, the Phantom Ranger looks on, saying nothing. Show Over!

Next Time: General Havoc actually manages to pull it off.

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