Monday, June 28, 2010

The Accident

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 37

Original Airdate: 11-10-1997

Last Time: Cassie learned an important lesson, probably. Something about music? Eh, whatever.

At school, Carlos and another player are getting ready to meet the coach. Wait, Adam was the coach of the soccer team at the beginning of the season. Does that mean what I think it means? No, it does not, apparently in addition to being kicked off of the Power Rangers, the old Rangers were also fired from their jobs and forced to vacate the greater Angel Grove area. Adam's replacement is some older white guy. The coach announces that he's naming a new captain, and it's either going to be Carlos or the other guy, whose name is Owen. Coach is concerned about Owen's sportsmanship and Carlos' missing of practices. Later, Carlos is chatting with Justin about his soccer troubles. He doesn't feel right competing against Owen. Some other soccer player invites Carlos into the game, and that means it's time for another soccer scene. In the course of the game, Carlos slide-tackles Owen and manages to bust Owen's leg. Well, that's one way of winning the captainship. Credits!

Back at the game, Carlos learns he has managed to break Owen's leg. Incidentally, we'll be seeing basically the same plot next season, still involving Carlos, and Adam will actually be there, so if you want to skip this episode and wait until I get to that one, I wouldn't blame you. Some other soccer guy accuses Carlos of making an illegal move. Listen, as an American, I have no idea of whether or not you're allowed to do what Carlos did. For purposes of amusement, I'm going to assume it was flagrantly illegal. The coach shows up and sends Owen to the emergency room.

Up in space, Porto informs Divatox that he's almost finished building her a megazord of her own. Porto isn't sure that it won't explode, however, so Divatox decides to use Elgar as a test pilot. At the launch bay, the Terrorzord is almost ready, but Elgar launches before Porto can make the proper adjustments.

Down at Angel Grove High, the soccer team is debating whether or not Carlos' slide-tackle was illegal. Carlos shows up and overhears that Owen's out for the season. A couple of team members quit the team in protest of Carlos' promotion to captain. Another soccer practice! And Bulk and Skull are now working as water delivery men. It does not go well. Carlos is still suffering flashbacks to when he broke Owen's ankle, and his play suffers as a result. Coach says that if Carlos didn't mean it, it was an accident. That excuse will hold up in neither criminal nor civil court. Also, that people get hurt in sports, but Carlos needs to move on. Adam could've said it better....and someday he will!

Divatox decides to do something to make Carlos feel even guiltier. At this point, spite is all she has left. Porto comes in to share some concerns about the imminent catastrophic failure of the Terrorzord. Divatox is too busy sending a monster to listen to him. Back on Earth, Carlos considers how Adam would brood in this situation. Owen shows up to ask why Carlos broke his leg. He's flanked by those two dudes who quit the team earlier. Owen says that the doctors say he'll never play soccer again. Holy fuck, that must've been some slide-tackle. Owen also accuses Carlos of giving him inoperable cancer. Okay, not really. Anyway, the other Rangers show up to announce that Owen and the soccer players are really Piranhatrons. The Piranhatrons Suck theme plays, and the Piranhatrons lose.

T.J. explains that Divatox is trying to trick Carlos into being guilty. Carlos decides to quit soccer regardless. Divatox is mildly pleased with the relative success of her plan, and wonders if she could guilt-trip the other Rangers. Porto finally explains that the Terrorzord is dangerously unready for combat. Divatox is angry.

At school, Carlos decides to talk to the real Owen and hopes it isn't as traumatizing as his conversation with the fake Owen. It doesn't go much better, as Owen accuses Carlos of making an illegal move. Carlos defends the legality of his slide-tackle. I, for one, have no idea. The real Owen implies Carlos injured him on purpose and leaves. Carlos hopes that this Owen was also fake. Elsewhere, Carlos is brooding at the side of the road. The Blue Senturion shows up, giving tickets to illegally parked cars. Seems kind of odd that he's doing that. Are they normal tickets, or do you have to report to some sort of galactic traffic court to contest the fine? Do you pay in dollars or some sort of interstellar currency? I have so many questions! Blue Senturion sees Carlos and goes over to see what the trouble is. Carlos explains that soccer used to be fun, but now it's not. The Blue Senturion does not think he can help Carlos, because he is but a machine. The Blue Senturion detects a moving which he means the landing of the Terrorzord. Blue Senturion calls for the Robo Racer.

They fight it out, and Terrorzord manages to tie up Robo Racer with the Racer's own handcuff chain. The Rangers get called into the Power Chamber and see the situation. The Rescue Megazord enters the fray. Artillery Power and the fight is....not over because Terrorzord teleported out of the way. They try again, and Elgar manages to use the Robo Racer as a shield. Divatox is pleased, but Porto reminds her that the Terrorzord is probably going to fall apart pretty soon if she doesn't call it back. Elgar destroys the Rescue Megazords guns with a giant axe. Then he beats it up good and knocks it to the ground. The Terrorzord breaks just as it's about to strike the final blow. Man, that's a bummer. The Terrorzord has to retreat. The Rangers win by default.

Up in space, Divatox is rightfully pissed that she lost. She demands Porto fix the Terrorzord. Back at high school, Owen learns from Coach that Carlos quit the team. Carlos and Owen have their decisive, final heart-to-heart talk. Owen absolves Carlos of his crimes and blames his own clumsiness for the injury. That's good enough for Carlos, who immediately rushes off to rejoin the team. Show Over!

Next Time: Cassie gets a new love interest...unfortunately, it's her fucking dog.

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