Sunday, June 27, 2010

The Fall of the Phantom

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 28

Original Airdate: 09-25-1997

Last time: The Rangers, bereft of Zords, but with a surfeit of moxie tried to fight the Metallisaurus, but stood nary a chance of victory. However, the redoubtable Phantom Ranger appeared and did supply the team with Zords the likes of which had ne'er been seen before. With powers undreamed, they took back Angel Grove, while in the heavens, General Havoc swore vengeance on the Phantom.

In Angel Grove High, Cassie is sitting on a staircase. She's thinking about the Phantom Ranger some more. The flashbacks remind the audience that the Phantom Ranger has had a grand total of about ten lines of dialogue since he's been introduced. The Principal shows up, and wants to know why Cassie is trying to get out of taking a test. He denies her request. General Havoc rebuilds Metallisaurus again. On the bridge, Divatox is wondering how to get rid of the Phantom Ranger. Havoc points out that what they really want to do is steal the Phantom Ranger's power ruby. Havoc says it's impossible. Divatox says nothing's impossible. Divatox has apparently forgotten that teaching such pablum is Dimitria's job. She orders Havoc to get the ruby. Credits! They're slightly updated!

Back at school, Cassie finds a black envelope in her locker. Inside is a blank note card. Suddenly, it flashes a message that tells her to go to the park. She thinks it might be from the Phantom Ranger, and so can't say no. She heads to the park and finds the Phantom Ranger....who is actually General Havoc in disguise. He summons some of his robotic troops as well. She tries to morph, but Havoc is able to get vines to wrap up her arms. I didn't know he could do that. He teleports her away.

At the juice bar, Bulk and Skull are still doing the monster tour. They want the Rangers to dress up as the Power Rangers (remember, Bulk and Skull don't know who the Rangers actually are) and show up during the tour. Bulk and Skull have also created some fake Ranger costumes. I personally don't think they look that bad, but since the Rangers laugh at them, I have no choice but to conclude that they are. Bulk and Skull also insult Justin a bit. Good ol' Bulk and Skull. The Rangers decline. The Rangers then figure out that Cassie is missing. They head to the Power Chamber, but still can't find her. They get hailed. It's General Havoc. He reveals that he has captured Cassie, and will turn her to stone unless he gets the Phantom Ranger's power ruby. The Rangers point out that they couldn't even if they wanted to. Havoc points out that Phantom Ranger is probably listening in on this conversation anyway. Meanwhile, Justin has an idea that he whispers to Alpha 6. He's able to locate the source of the transmission. Dimitria points out that it's almost certainly a trap. That knowledge in no way dissuades T.J..

They arrive at the cave and a fight scene breaks out. Highlights include T.J. shooting Rygog in the head with his blaster. The two sides fight over control of the dust that will turn Cassie to stone. And....Rygog does it, Cassie is now made of stone! The Rangers haven't been doing too well these past few episodes. Having done as much as they can do, the villains withdraw, leaving the Rangers with StoneCassie. T.J. asks if StoneCassie can hear him. Oh, T.J.. Carlos claims that they did everything they could. Well, everything except not fail, I guess. But, wouldn't you know it, the Phantom Ranger shows up. He rushes over, but Carlos rather emphatically tells him that it's over, and that nothing can be done. Phantom Ranger reveals that his power ruby can bring her back to life. It works, but then it's revealed that General Havoc is really in disguise as Cassie and steals the ruby and the Phantom Ranger. T.J. and the team have managed to fuck up again.

Back at the Power Chamber, the Rangers learn that the ruby is incredibly powerful and that they don't know where it is. T.J. vows to find another way. In space, Divatox is taunting Cassie with the ruby. General Havoc brings in the powerless Phantom Ranger. Divatox is about to unmask him when Cassie escapes from the Piranhatrons that had been holding her. Phantom Ranger tells her to escape. Cassie does, which I suppose is consistent with her character. Divatox orders Havoc to crush the Rangers.

Cassie lands back on Earth, and Bulk and Skull are still giving the monster tour. They introduce the tour group to their fake band of Power Rangers. The tour group doesn't buy it, but then Bulk is saving by Metallisaurus attacking Angel Grove again. If I may digress for a minute, would you really want to go on a tour that promised the appearance of a monster? I mean, that's kind of like going on a tour of San Francisco that promises an earthquake. The Rangers are able to find Cassie, and she's worried about the Phantom. Havoc shows up to redirect her worry towards his giant metal war machine. The Metallisaurus now has a new cannon in its chest. Havoc shoots some eyebeams at the Rangers. T.J. calls for the Rescue Megazord, now on sale at your local Venture! The Rescue Zords try to attack individually, but the time for such things has past. Also, Metallisaurus is holding a cage containing the Phantom Ranger. The Rangers transform their Zords into "high stance" mode, which just means that each individual Zord turns into a man-shaped form. T.J. grabs the cage and lets the Phantom Ranger out. Cassie dismounts and offers to take the Phantom Ranger to a safe place....with scented candles and dimmed lights, I'll bet. The Phantom Ranger tells her to use the damn Rescue Megazord already.

The Rangers keep fighting him in their individual Zords, it does not go well for them. They tussle for a bit, until T.J. manages to catch one of the shells that Metallisaurus has been shooting out of his chest. That knocks him back and the Rangers finally, finally, finally bring out the Megazord. The Rescue Megazord summons a gatling gun and a bazooka from its carrier. Metallisaurus can't compete with that, and gets blown up but good.

The Phantom Ranger is already gone by the time the Rangers get back to his cage, and the Rangers remember that they didn't actually win because Divatox still has the ruby. General Havoc leaves, but vows he'll return with yet another Metallisaurus. Or something else, he could always try something else. Anyway, Divatox has the power ruby and a plan.

Back on Earth, the Rangers are talking about that test from the beginning of the episode. Alpha 6 contacts them to tell them the urgent news that she still doesn't know where the Phantom Ranger is. Down in sewers, Phantom Ranger is narrating his "final log entry" about how he's totally going to die without his power ruby. To Be Continued!

Next Time: Action Figure War!

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