T.J. Johnson
Actor: Selwyn Ward
T.J. replaces Tommy as the leader of the Rangers. Apparently he came to Angel Grove to improve his baseball skills. This will lead to a memorably bad episode in the future. Beyond that, he is notable as being the last Red Ranger who doesn't get enough powers to make the remainder of the team superfluous.
Selwyn Ward has exactly one entry on the Internet Movie Database after 2002. That really says it all.

Carlos Vallerte
Actor: Roger Velasco
Carlos is Adam's replacement as the Green Ranger. He was selected due to his ability to play several different positions on the soccer field in the hopes that Divatox was release a series of soccer-related monsters on Angel Grove. She didn't. But he does inherit Adam's ability to be the Ranger most likely to be emotionally targeted by a villain.
Roger Velasco hasn't done anything since 2004. Christ, this is getting depressing.

Ashley Hammond
Actress: Tracy Lynn Cruz
Tanya's replacement. As is long-established Ranger tradition, the Yellow Ranger is there strictly to ensure that the number of Power Rangers is equal to the amount of Rangers in the Japanese footage. There's probably more to her character, but I refuse to check as a matter of principle.
Tracy Lynn Cruz has zero imdb entries since leaving Power Rangers. Damn.

Cassie Chan
Actress: Patricia Ja Lee
Cassie spent more of her first appearance complaining that she didn't want to get involved with saving people. She also wants to become a singer, and later has a crush on the Phantom Ranger. Any of these would be damning on its own, but taken together, they bury her character deep.
Patricia Ja Lee has done a bunch of voicework for dubs of anime, and is the current voice actress of Jill Valentine from the Resident Evil series. By the standards of actors who have worked on Power Rangers, that's fantastic.

Justin Stewart
Actor: Blake Foster
Justin is still the Blue Ranger. Awesome.
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