Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Chase into Space, Part I

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 44

Original Airdate: 11-21-1997

Last Time: Bulk and Skull got their very last spotlight episode.

Justin and his dad are walking out of the house. Justin's dad is getting ready to interview for another job. Justin helps adjusts his dad's tie. Don't worry, this will all end gloriously. In space, Divatox is tired of fucking around with the Power Rangers. She wants them dead! She wants their families dead! She wants their houses burned to ground! She wants to be able to go to the graveyard and piss on the ashes! To that end, she's called in a ringer by the name of Goldgoyle. He's already giant-sized and the Piranhatrons cower in fear of him. She sends him out to destroy the Power Rangers. Credits!

In one of the last scenes ever at the juice bar, which has been around since the first season, the Rangers watch a shuttle land on TV. Justin is entranced. The TV report continues with an interview with some guy named Norquist, the mission control director for....NASADA. They couldn't get the rights to use NASA, eh? Justin's dad shows up at the juice bar, and Lt. Stone greets him. Goodbye, Lt. Stone, for you will ne'er be seen again! Justin's dad got the job! But there's a problem! The job is far away from Angel Grove, and he doesn't want to leave Justin again, so he wants Justin to leave Angel Grove, and therefore, the Power Rangers. Wait, that's not a problem. That's not a problem at all! Justin doesn't want to leave. Do I get a vote? Bulk and Skull show up. Inevitably they fling milkshakes at each other. All present are glad that the season has come full circle on this running joke. Justin's dad decides not to take the job. Damn you, Justin! When will I be free of thee? The Rangers communicators go off, and Justin wants to talk to his dad about the situation some more. Carlos asks what's wrong. Justin explains.

Down at the Power Chamber, the Rangers are receiving a call from Eltar, or Eltair or Altair, or wherever the fuck Zordon went to at the beginning of the season. Justin claims it's the source of all their powers, to establish something that will pay off next episode and then never be mentioned again. Zordon's message is broken up by interference, but establishes that Eltar is under attack, and that the Rangers should not go to Eltar under any circumstances. He tells them to stay and protect the Earth. He messages concludes with a warning that cuts out just as he's about to explain what's going to happen. T.J.: "Rangers, beware?.....Of what?" Oh, T.J., these are going to be a couple of rough episodes for you.

In space, Divatox dispatches Goldgoyle. The Rangers detect him on sensors and head out to fight him. They morph for the very last time. Goldgoyle lands on Earth and taunts the Rangers a bit. The Rescue Megazord is called out. Ominous music plays as the rescue zords combine into the Rescue Megazord. The Rescue Megazord tries some guns that aren't Artillery Power, and they quickly get destroyed. Goldgoyle gets to work on wrecking the Rescue Megazord. T.J. calls for Artillery Power. Goldgoyle manages to collect the energy from the attack and launch it back at the Rescue Megazord. The Rescue Megazord gets the crap blown out of it and goes down in a heap, but the Rangers manage to pick it up off of the ground. Goldgoyle knocks it down again with some more energy blasts. It's not going well for the Rangers. T.J. orders the Rescue Megazord back up to its feet, again. Goldgoyle knocks it down again, and, if this were governed by modern boxing rules, would score a TKO over the Rescue Megazord. T.J. orders the Rescue Megazord back on its feet one last time. T.J. has the T.J.iest plan that ever was! He orders the Rescue Megazord to walk right up to Goldgoyle and self-destruct. The Rangers think it's a great idea. The Rangers are wrong.

T.J. sets the Rescue Megazord to self-destruct, and start piloting the Rescue Megazord towards Goldgoyle, they're able to get him in a bear hug and the Rangers abandon the megazord. T.J. calls for the Turbo Megazord. The Rescue Megazord self-destructs and damage to Goldgoyle. On the plus side, the Rangers have some more extra space in their Zord garage. The Turbo Megazord comes together with one last playing of Turbo Rangers theme to herald its arrival. T.J. immediately goes for the 'spin-out' finisher. The attack fails, and Goldgoyle taunts the Rangers some more. He reduces the Turbo Megazord to slag with one attack. T.J. is upset, but then has a plan! First step, abandon the wrecked megazord. T.J. then summons the Power Weapons in Turbo RAM Cannon mode. His plan, fly up on Lightning Cruiser and self-destruct the Turbo RAM Cannon in Goldgoyle's mouth. Somehow it actually works, but the Rangers are still down all of their megazords....and their power weapons. But wait, T.J. isn't done ensuring the complete annihilation of the Power Rangers yet! He orders the Rangers to teleport back to the Power Chamber, except they managed to get tracked by Rygog and Elgar. Now Divatox knows the location of the Power Chamber, and things are looking rather grim indeed.

Up in the Space Base, Divatox is celebrated her strategic victory over the Power Rangers. Rygog and Elgar show up to explain that they found the Power Chamber. Divatox decides to strike while the iron's hot, and orders the storming of the Power Chamber. At the Power Ranger, T.J. is explaining that both megazords were destroyed. Dimitria sees that bad news, and raises the stakes by announcing that Eltar has fallen to the forces of evil. The Rangers want to help him. Dimitria reminds them that Divatox still wants to conquer Earth. Dimitria decides that she has to go...with the Blue Senturion, who owns the last remaining zord on Earth, to help Zordon. I think she just wants to get out before it's too late. Divatox's siege force arrives outside of the Power Chamber. Justin hugs Blue Senturion and gives the robot his lucky coin. Blue Senturion finally understands why it is the humans cry. T.J. vows to protect the Earth.

Outside, Divatox reviews her vast army of Piranhatrons. She tells them to prepare to attack. Dimitria gives one last speech about hope and belief and stuff, and then leaves with the Blue Senturion. It's only going to take about a half-episode to prove her wrong. Outside, Divatox sees Dimitria and Blue Senturion are gone, and decides to attack immediately. The Piranhatrons begin rushing the Power Chamber. The Rangers see the army coming to attack them and are concerned. T.J. has yet another plan! Run outside of the Power Chamber and face an entire army on open ground. Incidentally, during the French and Indian War, also known as the Seven Year's War, the French General Montcalm had a similar response to reports of an English army massing outside of the easily defensible city of Montreal. He died and his army was routed. Let's see if the Rangers do any better!

Dramatic music swells as the Rangers leave the safety of the Power Chamber and head out to fight Divatox's army. To Be Continued! Can the Rangers stop Divatox's army of destruction?

Next Time: No, they cannot.

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