Alpha 6
Voice Actress: Wendee Lee
On the one hand, Alpha 6 is back. On the other, they've essentially stripped out everything that made her so awful last season and just left a female version of Alpha 5. There are worse things in the world.

Voice Actress: Julie Maddalena
D.E.C.A. is the computer system on the Astro-Megaship, the Ranger's new base of operations. She basically exists to tell the Rangers that a monster is about to attack. Yeah, that's about it, really.

Actors: Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy
Bulk and Skull are back for one last hoedown. This season, they're determined to find aliens. Why? Well, the season is called "In Space" so....
Actually, by this point, it's clear that Bulk and Skull have no real place in the new, overly serious Power Rangers, plus, Paul Schrier and Jason Narvy were now by far the longest-tenured actors on the show and probably were about ready to move on. Eh, I suppose it was time, really.

Professor Phenomenus
Actor: Jack Banning
Professor Phenomenus works with Bulk and Skull this season, not unlike the way the pair used to run with Lt. Stone. The professor is an absent-minded scientist who exists in order to tie Bulk and Skull closer to the action. It doesn't really work, but he does manage to survive the great cast purge at the end of the season, so he has to get credit for that.
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