Voice: Robert L. Manahan
Zordon is a magical wizard who got trapped in another dimensions, and so decided to outfit teenagers in spandex and build giant robots in order to defeat evil. It kind of sounds stupid when you type it out like that though.
Anyway, he was the mentor to the Power Rangers for the first few seasons, but leaves at the beginning of Turbo, because he finally has a chance to get the hell off of Earth, and takes it.

Voice: Robert Steven Horvitz
Zordon's robot buddy, who also flees Earth at the soonest opportunity.

Actor: Carol Hoyt
Zordon's replacement from the planet Inquris, whose people can only talk in questions. To the credit of the writers, they quickly realized how fucking stupid that was, and changed it within twenty episodes. She's the Rangers' mentor, offering vague advice and being mysterious for no good reason.

Alpha 6
Voice: Catherine Battistone
Alpha 5's counterpart from, given how her accent sounds, the robo-hood. For some reason the producers thought it would be wise to give the robot some sort of "urban" flavor. Even by the standards of this shitty season, it's bad.

Actors: Jason Narvy and Paul Schrier....also two unnamed chimps for while
Back in the day, Bulk and Skull were bullies who were intended to be the goofus to the Rangers' gallant, providing examples to the children of what they shouldn't be. Of course, the problem was that Bulk and Skull were more likeable than the rest of the cast, and, really, kids probably weren't apt to root for the attractive, popular students to humiliate the outcasts.
So, the producers instead made them into good-natured bumblers who outlasted every other cast member on the show. There's probably a moral in there somewhere.

Actor: Gregg Bullock
Lieutenant Stone was a police officer, but, due to the wacky antics of Bulk and Skull, was fired, and then opened up his own detective agency, where, for some unknowable reason, he promptly hired Bulk and Skull. But now he runs the local juice bar, either because he's actually on a long-term sting operation to expose the Salazar Cartel's plot to smuggle drugs in through fruit, or because of issues of cast economy.

Blue Senturion
Voice: David Walsh
Sent from the future with a mission of apocalyptic importance, the Blue Senturion promptly gets captured, and has his vital message mostly erased. Then he proceeds to fight the Rangers. The Rangers convince him they aren't his enemis, and thus he becomes their ally, except the numerous occaisions when he is turned evil by contrivance and/or the constraints of Japanese footage.

Phantom Ranger
Voice: Alex Dodd
The Phantom Ranger is a mysterious man who mysteriously shows up on Earth to help the Rangers....mysteriously.
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