Saturday, June 26, 2010

Stitch Witchery

Power Rangers Turbo, Episode 20

Original Airdate: 9-12-1997

Last Time: 80% of the team was fired, and the other 20% was Justin. Also, we all learned a lesson about the need for age-discrimination laws in California.

Down at the high school, Ashley is designing some clothes. Wait, in high school? Some other girl makes fun of Ashley's purple and yellow plaid sports jacket. As a guy, I don't know whether or not such a comment is merited. Cassie shows up and gets to hear Ashely worry about losing her sense of fashion. I already miss the old Rangers. New Credits!

At the local beach, InvisibleBulk and InvisibleSkull decide to use their newfound invisibility to steal some food from a vacationing family. The family flees as they see their food and drink appear to vanish into thin air. InvisibleBulk and InvisibleSkull are much happier as invisible men than visible chimps, as all men are.

Cassie and Ashley are talking in the park. Ashley claims that everyone used to like her clothes, but Cassie suggest that they were just saying that to protect Ashley's feelings. Nice. A limo drives up and an elegantly attired woman steps out. She's taken with Ashley's jacket. The woman is Felicia Eniva, Fashion Diva and gives Ashley her card. She wants to buy Ashley's jacket and make it to fashion "what leaves are to trees." I'm guessing Felicia Eniva didn't do too well on the analogy portion of her SAT. She entices Ashley with promises of fashion designing and encourages her to call.

Unfortunately as soon as Felicia gets back into the car, we learn that she's working for Divatox. This week's evil plan involves mass-producing Ashley's jacket for some nefarious purpose. Felicia morphs into a monster. Later, Divatox has turned the space-sub into a sweatshop and is making the Piranhatrons produces hundreds of those jackets. However, they are all being coated in an "anger potion." She also dumps Elgar's chocolate bar into the mix for reasons that are not clear.

Down at the docks, InvisibleBulk and InvisibleSkull are using their powers to put on a profitable magic show. A kid tries to take their money. InvisibleSkull stops him. The Rangers, except Ashley, all see Ashley's jackets for sale, everyone wants one. The Rangers put them on and get angry.

In her space-sub, Divatox explains her latest plan...she wants to steal some gems from the museum. No blowing up the Rangers? No taking over the world? Just petty larceny? Well, okay. Elgar and some goons show up at the museum. Ashley shows up at the Power Chamber and finds out that Alpha 6 can't get ahold of the other Rangers. Ashley wants to sort out the other Rangers, but must immediately proceed to the museum, because if she doesn't stop Divatox, then the museum's insurance premiums will surely spike upwards! Ashley morphs and heads out, the new morphing effect looks rather better. Anyway, she can't stop Elgar and the Piranhatrons. She momentarily distracts them by causing a door to block their access to the gems, and then runs away.

Ashley heads down the beach where the other Rangers are under the effects of the anger potion. They make Ashley cry and she runs away again. Divatox notices Ashley is unaffected and tries to think of how to deal with her. Her plan involves getting the Blue Senturion to put on a sport coat. Somehow this leads to Elgar pushing a cart full of the anger-producing jackets down a hill. They threaten to run over a suspiciously veiled woman, and the Blue Senturion steps in. The woman turns out to be Felicia, and gives ol' Blue one of the jackets as a reward. He tries to beg off, but "yellow is [his] favorite color." Blue Senturion says yes to fashion and get affected by the anger spell. On the plus size, he's finally able to take advantage of casual Friday.

Elsewhere, Ashley is still crying. I think this episode full of evil fashion designers and Ashley the incompetent has single-handedly set back women's rights thirty years. Alpha 6 calls her and tell her to go deal with the Blue Senturion. In the city, the Blue Senturion is beating people with bouquets of flowers. Ashley asks him what he's doing. Blue Senturion decides to shoot her, lamentably, he misses. Ashley finally figures out that the jackets are what's making people angry. Um...can I have the old Rangers back, please?

Ashley goes back to the other Rangers and asks for their jackets. They aren't biting. She decides to trick them, including telling Justin that he's wearing a woman's jacket. The other Rangers take off the jackets and are cured. They all go off to deal with Blue Senturion. The Blue Senturion is walking around smashing flower pots and shooting his gun indiscriminately. I've got to say, he's way cooler like this. The Rangers morph. Blue Senturion isn't having any of that noise, and summons the Robo Racer. He promises to show the Rangers, "How to dress for success." The Rangers response with the Turbo Megazord.

They tussle, until a giant missile with a giant-sized anger coat flies over and somehow puts a coat on the Robo Racer. You know, this is probably one of those times where the writers saw the original Japanese footage and knew they were completely fucked. The newly stylish Robo Racer cuts up the Turbo Megazord with its knives. T.J. has a plan, it involves jumping out of the Megazord onto the Robo Racer and trying to get the jacket off of the Blue Senturion. Ol' Blue knocks him away, so T.J. shuts him off. Crisis solved. He then notices the fashion designer monster, and removes the Blue Senturion's jacket, and then switches him back on. That's not good for the Blue Senturion's hard drive.

Anyway, T.J. dismounts the Robo Racer, and Blue Senturion takes the giant coat off and then stomps on it. Divatox is not pleased. Torpedo time. It goes about as well as usual. Later, at the juice bar, everyone admits that they didn't like Ashley's jackets. Lt. Stone shows up because nothing awful has happened to him in far too long. InvisibleBulk and InvisibleSkull turn into regular Bulk and Skull. Inevitably, Bulk gets a milkshake poured on his head. All present laugh at his misfortune. Lt. Stone is excited to see Bulk and Skull and thus be free from such treatment. Show Over!

Next Time: Magical Sentient Cars from Outer Space!

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