Thursday, June 24, 2010

Power Rangers Turbo: Episode 11

"Weight And See"

Original Airdate: 5-12-1997

Down in the space-sub of malice, Divatox's goons manage to run the ship into some cliffs. For some reason, this makes Divatox all the more determined to kill the Rangers: "I'm going to blow those pests out of the water, and I mean literally." How this differs from her previous bomb-related schemes will never be made clear. Credits!

In the juice bar, ballet auditions are happening. Kat is there, and tries to strike up a conversation with another dancer, but the other dancer wants nothing to do with her. She heads on over to the French casting director, who promises to announce the cast in five minutes. Kat goes over to Tanya for encouragement, the dancer from before shows up and tells Kat that there are "plenty of parts for dancers with her build." Kat instantly gets anorexia, and I realize it's going to be one of those shows. Kat gets the lead role, and so the other dancer takes one more shot at Kat's weight.

Meanwhile Justin and Adam are planting tide markers, and Adam gets distracted from Justin by a girl in a bikini. I'm going to miss Adam. Justin also starts leering at girls in bikinis, which makes both me and Adam feel a bit uncomfortable. Down at the space-sub, the Adam and Justin's presence at the beach is screwing around with Divatox's plans to get off of the cliffs. She wonders why the Rangers always show up to foil her plans. It probably has something to do with her plans always involving blowing one or more of them up with a bomb. Divatox sends the Piranhatrons, who are looking to build on last week's successes. Adam and Justin are confronted with a monster named....Numbor. He has the ability to change anything involving numbers, like the time the tide rolls in. But he doesn't do that, instead he throws a giant cardboard number 2 at the Rangers which turns into more Piranhatrons. That is not exactly the most impressive thing that can be done with numbers.

A fight scene breaks out, and while Blake Foster may be an excellent stage fights for a twelve year-old, he still isn't very good. The Piranhatrons lose, as is their wont. Justin and Adam discover that Numbor has messed with the tides. Meanwhile, in the main plot that makes me long to see more of Justin examining the tides, Kat has decided to dive head-first into anorexia. Tommy and Tanya encourage her to eat. She declines. ChimpBulk and ChimpSkull have a new plan to prove their humanity that involves stacking dishes higher than any being with a chimp's brain could manage. Inevitably, Lt. Stone gets splashed with water which sends him crashing into the stacks of dishes. All present laugh at his misfortune.

Back at the space-sub, Divatox reveals her plan is to sink Angel Grove under the water. Well, at least it doesn't involve a bomb. Divatox then orders Numbor to plant a bomb to distract the Rangers. Fuck, nevermind. Numbor also gets order to screw around with Kat's weight. Numbor is apparently pretty good at multitasking.

Kat is walking home, all hungry and anorexic when Numbor shows up and blasts her with some sort of ray, and then ditches her to go plant the bomb. Tommy and Tanya show up and they quickly discover that Kat's weight has been magically reduced so that she is as light as a feather. The wind blows her away. At the Power Chamber, Justin and Adam show up to see Tommy and Tanya try to figure out what's happening. They somehow manages to corral Kat into the chamber, and she's floating there. On the other hand, she no longer seems concerned with her weight, so I guess Numbor cured her anorexia. Everyone realizes that they've been fighting the same monster, and Tanya makes the connection between Numbor and numbers. I'm glad she's here.

Anyway, Numbor show's up on the view screen and he's seen planting a bomb, because the writers don't need to pad out the episode with a couple of minutes of the Rangers searching for the detonator. Tommy asks Dimitria to help Kat, but apparently the only way to break the spell is for Kat to come to terms with her nearly three hour-old eating disorder. The rest of the Rangers morph and head out.

The Rangers confront Numbor, but are no match for his number-related hijinks. Numbor: "See, math can be fun!" It sure can. Back at the Power Chamber, Kat wants to help and finally breaks the spell by coming to the conclusion that true beauty is on the inside, or something. At the fight, Numbor is menacing the team with a giant numeral 9. Kat stops him and explains that Numbor can't make her feel bad about herself anymore. I don't think Numbor actually did that, but sure. Numbor claims that she, "makes him six," and then throws a number at her. Kat punches him into a tide pool. Torpedo time!

The Turbo Megazord comes out. Numbor fights it off with a smoke stack that acts like a cannon and a giant styrofoam duck. The Turbo Megazord responds by blowing him up good, as well he might. The Rangers head back down to deal with the bomb, which is disarmed by Kat shooting it with a gun. That still doesn't seem to make much sense. Divatox considers replacing her current crew with temps.

Kat dances in her recital. Her dance instructor praises her and the show just kind of stops. Show Over!

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